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Libra Moon


Libra Moon


In the freshness of the mountain air breathe in the vastness of loving consciousness into your heart as you banish disparity and choose to respect your beautiful empowering innate feminine essence owning your own authenticity and compassionate power open your heart as you acknowledge past insecurities of bending over backwards to please others lay any weapons down that may be creating any discord for peace as opposing forces may elude you into fantasy and distraction be sure to feel into your inner mystic beautifying your creative dreams and visions for the destruction of deep toxic hidden shadows of the past come forth for a natural passing bringing unexpected change and blessings into your earthly life.


Slow down the pace and connect to your values and self-worth as you consider the foundations of happy relationships honour your needs and consider the needs of another for growth and expansion and a loving commitment are healthy considerations for interdependence in the balancing act of your independence and passions and being the leader in your authentic truth to forge new paths feel into the tangible results to reconcile any imbalances speaking from a loving space with practicality and a calm level head rather than getting bogged down in emotions and any stubborn tendencies and possessiveness.        


In the flow of discerning your limitations and boundaries feel into your compassionate heart being mindful of ensuring you are not overlooking your own needs and indecisiveness as others may entice an undertow of manipulative behaviour as a tug of war of old childhood wounds and patterns surface in need of feeling the emotional pains to discover the wisdom in the suffering actioning your bravery to open to your courageous authentic passionate self as encounters go deep freeing inner trauma reconciling the love for yourself with a compassion heart and the changes taking place in your material world.


Come into the sacredness of the Women’s Circle and begin to create a beautiful relationship with you:

In Person Full Moon Magic Women’s Circle in Sagittarius:

Online Full Moon Magic Women’s Circle in Sagittarius:


Are you being called into the teachings of The Shamanic Teaching Wheel guided by the Pleiadian Star Mothers and Dr Amber Meleh’a Wolf? Find out more here:


Heal from your conditioning with the beautiful Universal Life Force of Reiki: book your appointment here with me:


“Let us connect them at this moment. In your imagination, see the globe of this Earth, your beautiful planet. Imagine that there are points of light all over it, just randomly, everywhere. And they do not look like electric lights in the city. They look like stars dropped from the heavens all over the continents, the islands, the peninsulas, the oceans. And all of those stars, those points of light, are connected. So, even though you may be living in Alaska, you are connected to someone at the tip of South America by a grid of light that goes from one point to another point to another point to another point to another point to another point to another point to you. If you would, please see yourself as one of those lights. You are true. And breathe and feel your light shine brighter because it is being reflected from other lights. And you are reflecting to other lights, and they are reflecting to you.” ~ Excerpt from Star Mother channelling through Dr Amber Mele’ha Wolf, May New Moon Portal to the Star Mothers – May 22nd, 2020.


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