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Libra Moon


Libra Moon


As the moon’s glow beautifully increases in her power be in the beauty of the desires of your heart embracing the gifts of honouring your innate sacred feminine essence and unique distinctiveness as you dance and blend the gifts of balancing the sacred masculine and the sacred feminine energies within you, yearning for your self-expressions and your own needs to be recognised harmonising in fairness and love with the connections and relationships most dear to you. Respect the needs of others as you strive for equality and interdependence working on restoring the beauty of balance, extending your hands in loving peace offerings opening to the strengths of being a team player negotiate through any challenges that may come in heated discussions and fast interactions taking care of any rash decisions, slow down and watch for shutting down your feelings and emotions, checking in with your heart with a calm presence seeing both sides of any issues as you feel the conflicting push and pulls of your true feelings and passionate individuality, honour your intuition and your dreams as the fog lifts, utilise supportive communication skills affirming your courage to assert yourself with diplomacy, honour your needs accomplishing healthy compromise breaking free of restrictive thinking and deep held beliefs in your self-worth, financial and material undertakings shaped by the old patriarchal constructs.


Flow with a focused optimistic intention with love in your heart as you embrace the gifts and sweetness of life in the plentiful and abundant beauty of the greater wisdoms of the divine, up levelling the power of balancing the changing breadths of quick choices and options in the moment and discovering more meaningful information and selections for your dreams and passions that shine in your heart bringing you a cheerful and courageous glow, surround yourself with the pleasures of your senses with freshness and aliveness to beautify yourself and your relationships striving for equality checking in with superficiality and being appearance conscious open your heart and mind as you let go of being overly attached to the parts of yourself from your past and discomforts of stagnation in your growth.


Harness your leadership skills as you strengthen your sense of purpose and will power with a heartfelt upliftment and inspiration for yourself and for others remaining open to an array of perspectives strategising with fairness for all striving to achieve outcomes where everyone’s needs are met, connect in with your psychic perceptions and natural instincts nurturing and comforting the passions in your heart for the growth of your souls integrity and family values as sensitivity and emotional interactions may feel intense to protect what feels right in your heart, watch for passive aggressive behaviour and manipulation fearing your own or anyone’s needs are not being met as challenges shake the deeper impacts of past conditioning and restrictions in the shadowy powers of the old worldly and patriarchal traditions, open to balancing the gifts of healing old wounds strengthening your personal empowerment and self-discovery turning wounds into wisdom aiming for a peace offering restoring and reconciling with a compassionate heart and the evolution of your material needs and connection to Mother Earth for more peace and harmony in your relationships with all.


Awaken your DNA and align your Star Centres in the loving presence of the Pleiadian Star Mothers:


Heal from your past with the loving support of Reiki: Online or In Person healings:


Honour your sacred relationship with yourself immersing into the teachings from the Pleiadian Star Mothers:


“As you look around the planet and see all that is happening in business and government, you may see something odd. Although these things all happened regularly in an old energy, they are floundering in this new energy, or at least appearing to be inappropriate. You have never seen this energy, which has never been tested in your lifetimes. No Human has ever seen these coming attributes yet. If you take saltwater fish and put them into fresh water, they will die, unless there is a mechanism for them to refine their metabolism. They are aquatic, but not with that type of water. You’re moving from dark to light, and although you have lived many lives, the paradigms are different. You will have to adjust. So number one is that you have to believe it.” ~ Excerpt from Kryon live channelling “Going from Dark to Light” given in Buffalo, New York – June 24, 2017.

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