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Libra New Moon Annular Solar Eclipse


Libra New Moon Annular Solar Eclipse

Leading with your heart and embracing the beauty of our beautiful Grandmother Moon she guides your way into this powerful Eclipse holding your hand in finding your strengths to open to the ever changing cycles of life.

Move with the flow of deep transformation as you find peace and forgiveness in your relationships now and let go of any opposing forces as your spiritual essence seeks balance allowing your soul to lead with compassionate action. In preservation of your authenticity in building your dreams and service to humanity be mindful of others impinging on your softer side as you stay open to higher perspectives.

As the Moon makes her move into harmony with the Sun feel into your inner world, your inner sanctuary finding peace and balance within your heart opening to restoring anything that has been under the surface for too long with peaceful and calm conversations working on finding fair and just outcomes for hidden shadows may come to the surface to be burnt away leaving the old out of balanced ashes to meld and float into thin air.

With a strong deep desire for your passions and plans in focus keep your visions in high regard for your truth is seen and felt with a powerful force although have a conscious awareness of any hidden unseen desires of obsessive attachments and power to control and trust in your intuitive instincts.

Feeling a push pull of where you are headed and where you are striving for balance in your relationships may be thought-provoking. With your strengths and divine compassionate feminine power honouring your boundaries be wise with practical strategies to uphold truth and justice in peaceful ways.

Deep transformation takes place to bring much needed balance into existence releasing power struggles and manipulative behaviour and any superficial surface layers that have kept relationships from their interdependence and loving peaceful beauty.

Now is the time to come into right relationship with the loving powerful energy of Grandmother Moon, I invite you to join the Women’s Red Tent Circle to begin your relationship with her and sisters of the Moon:

In person Women’s Red Tent Circle:

Online Women’s Red Tent Circe:

Transformation beckons with Dr Amber Mele’ha Wolf and our beloved Lemurian Sisters at the 11/11 A Time of Sacred Expansion opening to the wisdom of the Pleiadian Star Mothers, come and join here:

Discover the Ancient ways of Lemuria as a ShaWoman with this loving and powerful remembrance with Dr Amber Mele’ha Wolf, the Pleiadian Star Mothers and Kryon:

“There would be those who would say you’re in a major women’s movement. This would be where women are starting to be seen more equal. Many would tell you that it’s time to take your power, or it’s time to do this and that. Dear ladies, no, it isn’t. Instead, it is time to lead the way in compassion!” ~ Excerpt from Kryon live channelling given during a Lemurian Sisterhood Meeting in Sun Valley, Idaho – January 10, 2015.

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