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Pisces Moon


Pisces Moon

The mystic and magic of the moon brings the power of your intuitive and psychic perceptions to the fore and in trusting your inner guidance now more than the outside world will be of great benefit to you.

There may be some outer perceptions of others that may challenge your inner resolve so connect to your heart and soul and allow any fears to be felt and then let them be washed away as you let any emotions that may surface be cleansed from your being. Go to a watery sanctuary or take a bath with the intent to cleanse any fears still lingering within you.

Be the star you have come here to be and allow compassion for yourself and others with love in your heart, for karmic patterns have surfaced many times and are asking to be freed. The act of kindness comes from a place of understanding how it is to suffer in your life and it is now time to live with love and compassionate action for all.

As the moon waxes to Full there is a strong power of magnification so be gentle with yourself and others as sensitivities are on the rise, whatever we focus on is what will be magnified. Be responsible for your own actions and have some healthy boundaries in place for your own personal well-being.

A beautiful time for healing and forgiveness as we work with the magic of the moon’s energies.

I invite you to join in our Full Moon Magic Women’s Circle as we invite her magic into our lives, find out more here:

Release any unresolved Karmic energy with me, find out how here:

‘If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion.’ ~Dalai Lama

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