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Pisces Moon


Pisces Moon

Allow this mystical time to delve deeper into your sensitive side and take some time out to sit in a quiet space where you feel safe as you are gentle with yourself, be still as you go within and listen to any messages from spirit, what is it that you hear…. trust.

You may feel more sensitive to harsh environments and people over the next couple of days so take care of your own energy and have some boundaries in place to honour the beautiful soul that you are for you are special and you are a gift to this earth.

As you feel the love that resides within you, it is there, this love is a part of every soul and as our lives can change through our choices and our experiences the compassion for ourselves and others brings love and kindness into our lives, for we all have challenging moments through our lives and these may have shown up for some sort of lesson to learn, for karmic patterns to be seen and to be worked on to then have an awareness to change these patterns to not keep repeating them in harmful ways for ourselves and for others.

The challenge may be to not feel like the victim in any circumstance and the possibility for some fiery outbursts in communications, if you feel like retreating from potential dangers keep the love for you strong in your heart and know you are love and you are here to shine your beautiful light out in the world.

The true you will shine through when you love you unconditionally and heal from your past, to have compassion for yourself and to trust in your intuitive guidance now, it’s all in the feelings that will lead you into trusting the choices for your life.

Healing from the past can be challenging but it will free you from the karmic patterns that reside in you, connect with me here for a beautiful Reiki energy healing appointment:

‘Intuition is a spiritual faculty and does not explain, but simply points the way.’ ~ Florence Scovel Shinn

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