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Pisces Moon


Pisces Moon

Close your eyes and imagine your dreams and creations are already here as you bring your awareness into your being knowing you are one with the universe opening to the unlimited abundance as personal and earthly change is inevitable.

Your love, kindness and tender heart is a beautiful trait you have and others may just take advantage of this and as you allow for your own personal boundaries to improve stay in your heart for love is the highest way.

In the midst of showing your love and the love coming from others in relationships be mindful to your intuitive senses as challenges abound as boredom may play a role in flitting and flirting about for finding fun and excitement in love now.

Keep a check on your emotions and allow the release of any inner fiery triggers in safe ways for a gentler approach to letting them go, others may have difficulties if the emotions have been suppressed for a long time and may just erupt unexpectedly.

Now is a beautiful time to release and let go of anything that you feel in your intuitive knowing that is ready to be healed as the cycle comes to an end ready for a new beginning at the New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries. Maybe receive a Reiki energy healing now to help with this for as we do the inner work our outer circumstances are less triggering.

Book your Reiki energy healing here:

Be held in a sacred space in the Women’s Red Tent Circles to rest and reflect through this heightened energy time on our Earth:

In person circle:

Come home to the New Lemuria through the remembering and teachings of the Pleiadian Star Mother, Dr Amber Mele’ha Wolf and Kryon:

‘This was the basic training from the Pleiadians, to honor the Earth as much as you honor yourself, and it will honor you back.’ ~Kryon to the Lemurian Sisterhood

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