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Pisces Moon


Pisces Moon

Flowing with our life and feeling into our intuitive senses may feel more sensitive as our dreams come under some sort of hold on our action as we allow for any restrictions and karma of the past to show us where we may need to make important changes.

As old programming comes to the surface and shows us what that may be and needs some attention allow for compassion of self and for others through challenging moments for we are best to let the past go for a new path to open where our passions and dreams held in our hearts drive us into choices that honour and respect our intuitive instincts.

Loving and respecting our own energy and boundaries in our relationships is a must for as our own self-love and self-worth comes under the spot light we may see where we can make some improvements and allow the love of self and honour our own identity.

We are gifted with the opportunity for taking a more detailed look into our dreams and our creations and how we can make any changes to refine and manage our work and our body’s health with any routines and habits that are not quite working or could use a touch up.

As we endeavour to bring change to how we value our finances and how we value the beauty in ourselves and Mother Earth let us come from a place of forgiveness and love and not see ourselves as victims but to know our karmic past is letting go to free us to bring love and compassion into our new Lemuria for a more peaceful life together.

Are you are ready to allow love to heal your past? Are you repeating patterns that you are having trouble letting go of? Maybe you are ready for the beautiful Universal energy of Reiki to assist you: book an appointment with me here:

Discover and remember the ways of a ShaWoman in Lemuria with Dr Amber Mele’ha Wolf, the Pleiadian Star Mothers and Kryon:

‘We ask you to take these times of transformation as a gift. And as much as you hold that gift, you will receive more gifts. If you throw the gift away or are afraid to open it, the fear will prevail. It is no mistake that these past more than thirty years, well 25,000 years, have been preparing you for this time.’ ~ excerpt from New Moon Portal to the Star Mothers, October 16, 2020.

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