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Pisces Moon


Pisces Moon

As our mystical essence flows in our environment honour our feminine powers as we connect to the magic of cat spirit helping us to love and respect our mysterious and independent nature as we merge with our psychic perceptions with strong boundaries for our own energies and sensitivities.

We may feel a contrast of our most deep feminine powers we have hidden away and our gentle compassionate soul and finding our flow with both in our lives in a comfortable way. We may be changing and merging our flow as we allow our spirituality to meld with our everyday lives.

Our physical lives are tested in our relationships as needed changes take place as repetitive old karmic ways are certainly ready to be transcended to move out of victimhood and into peaceful loving relationships that honour and respect the depths of the soul.

We may find our intellect and our communications strive for strategies and analysis in any details we may be working through with others and have back and forth differing opinions with our dreams and passions. Be mindful of identifying as a victim as now there are choices to make to step off the karmic wheel with love and compassion in our hearts and follow our intuition.

Feel the profound love we are gifted with from spirit in our hearts as our spiritual essence merges with our dreams guiding us on our inward journey merging with our wisdom and creating unlimited love and abundance within and without.

I invite you to join our Full Moon Magic Women’s Circle as we love and respect ourselves in sisterhood with releasing, forgiveness and gratitude.

In person Full Moon Magic Women’s Circle:

Online Full Magic Women’s Circle:

11/11 A Time of Sacred Expansion with Dr Amber Mele’ha Wolf & our Pleiadian Star Mothers in Sisterhood at this wonderful live event:

Immerse your entire being with the Love of Reiki, Book your appointment here:

“Let me tell you what the Mirror is, if I can. The Mirror – how can I tell you this? You get to see yourself and God together in the Mirror. But you don’t see yourself as you think. What you see is God. Then you are taught that each Human Being, The Mirror is in them. Therefore, you look for yourself and God in others. That’s just the first layer of the training and teaching: Looking for God and looking for you in others.” ~ Excerpt from Kryon live channelling “The Teaching Circle” given in the Big Island, Hawaii – December 20, 2017.

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