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Pisces Moon


Pisces Moon

Feel deeply into your personal identity, into your heart as you place trust in how you feel and into your truth. With reflection and deep contemplation of your past and your relationship with yourself you may discover you have a more clearer insight into this as you have had this mirrored to you from those around you helping you to see the lessons of karma and to take responsibility for your own spiritual essence and boundaries with the knowing we are all one.

Have compassion for yourself as you strive to forgive those that need forgiveness, open your heart to love as love is the highest power of all and release the karmic bond that holds you in the past, be free to be in your sovereignty as you value the changes taking place respecting your true relationship with your worth.

Speak with your hearts truth as you unleash your words with magic power behind them for the now moment brings great power to create your life with your deepest desires with your strongest will in force for your passions that are your truth. Be alert of what you are feeding your power into and creating for it can go either way into destruction or creation.

A strong sensitivity in your environment may be felt so the need for taking care of your own feelings and honouring your psychic senses and gifts will be helpful as there may be a disparity of feelings with obsessive controlling power struggles for perfection and placing your relationships in the spotlight to what love really is.

As change is taking place on great scales lose the fear and open to love for the expansion of success and miracles are abound as your true value and relationship to your abundance is re-discovered through the love of our beautiful Mother Earth. Connect to your dreams and visions as illusions and fantasies are seen bringing a reality check to shift you onto inspired action to transform your physical life.

Are you feeling out of balance in your body, heart, mind and out of alignment you’re your truth? I invite you to this simple but powerful meditation aligning and awakening your Star Centres and DNA with the Pleiadian Star Mothers:

Join forces with the Magic of the Moon this Partial Lunar Eclipse in Taurus in circle together honouring the divine feminine in you:

Online Full Moon Magic Women’s Circle:

In Person Full Moon Magic Women’s Circle:

Allow you own body’s innate intelligence to bring balance to your body, mind, heart and spirit:

“For today, however, we ask you to introduce yourself to something. If you stretch out your arms to the right and left to the side – and you can do this now just to experiment – this is the size of the energy field we call your merkabah. That’s it, from fingertip to fingertip. That’s a big room, isn’t it? Then keep this point in your imagination and relax your arms. Then, if you feel filled with a sense of wonder because you’re carrying around a field of this size, that’s good. Good, because in this way you can live with much more connection in your world, connection for the creation of your world. This is what we want to achieve for you today. What is in this merkabah, this field, is the energy from you, forward, backward, left and right.” ~ Excerpt from Merkabah activation with the star mothers, December 12, 2019.

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