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Pisces Moon


Pisces Moon


Relax into the dreamy and mystical feels of the opaqueness that surrounds you as you open your heart with compassion feeling the freedoms of your soulful spiritual being and allow the magic of Grandmother Moon to flow seamlessly with you guiding your dreams and melding them into your reality trusting in the unending cycles to discover and awaken from the karmic lessons that surface.


Enhance the wisdom of your past lessons as you expand your optimism and inspirations that spark your eternal flame within respecting your sensitive nature and honouring your personal boundaries as communications allow for your truth to be heard releasing victimhood for understanding new choices can be made to transcend the merry-go-round of the karmic wheel.


Feelings are heightened as sensitivities of your divine feminine powers and innate intimate truth are challenged as deep underlying crippling fears of unexplored insecurities and patterns of self-victimisation seek to be accepted letting go of harsh judgments and criticisms allowing for forgiveness for yourself and for others.


Feel into the truth of your soul and value your inner treasures to reveal your deepest mysterious passions with your compassionate kind heart liberating you as you allow the endings of the cycles that are completing now bringing change to your personal and financial relationships and the relationship and bond to Mother Earth.


Own your unique identity and honour your sensitivity as you merge inwards to your inner perceptions, your psychic abilities creating boundaries for your well-being and trusting your inner drive through encounters that test the waters with fiery moves and words with headstrong ambitions if not centred in the heart.


In the dreaminess feel allow your creative expressions to flow through you and immerse your senses into the vastness of your imagination and give your psychic abilities space to dream while you let go of feeling afraid. Be mindful of your own needs now as you open your heart to loving yourself unconditionally and not placing burdens on others to fill your needs in unconscious ways to seek their love and approval.


As endings of power authoritative structures take place in landscapes of society and old outdated traditions the opening of newness is created as loving kindness and forgiveness bring more power than control has ever had.


Open to healing your past with the universal love of Reiki:

In Person Reiki Healing: 

Online Reiki Healing:

A beautiful opportunity for the magic of light and dark to merge into your life with the Pleiadian Star Mothers and Dr Amber Mele’ha Wolf affirming peace and power of the year ahead:


“The entire reason Amber met her partner Sid (Wolf), was so she could be Mele’ha today. If you were to question her, as a woman, about the relationship she had with Sid, she would tell you that, against all odds, things opened up for them to get married and to have a partnership. She was already very knowledgeable, and he was a master teacher. He helped place her on a journey of discovery and, together, they were powerful and… it was not an accident. I could tell you of a planning session they had as souls on the other side of the veil, where they put this potential together before they ever arrived on the planet. This potential was realized and, again, against all odds, they were married.” ~ Excerpt from Kryon live channelling given during a Lemurian Sisterhood Meeting in Kelowna, Canada – February 27, 2016.

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