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Pisces Moon


Pisces Moon


Explore your openness to your psychic perceptions over the next few days as you trust your intuition to discern your environment around you with a committed responsibility for your boundaries and taking care of your sovereignty knowing what or who is effecting your energy that may not be healthy for you.


Surrender to the mysteries to flow into every moment as you allow flexibility for your dreams and goals with patient focused discipline as your concentration and thoughts become meticulous in your creative endeavours for organising and grounding them feels strong, although be mindful of keeping a joyous mood as you create.


Connect with Mother Earth and her abundant pleasures and beauty and feel your senses through your creative passions and desires opening to the music of life blessing you with increased abundance opening your heart in kind compassionate ways keeping a check on any overindulgence and greed.


The thirst for your dreams and goals are being driven with a blend of exotic and edgy passions that touch on your feminine qualities bringing imaginative ambitiousness into building on your achievements as you let go of feeling the victim and emotionally manipulative tendencies you open more to your own self-identity feeling a push pull to face any fears and perfectionism into embracing and honouring your relationship with your deepest darkest feminine power and potential.    


As challenges arise you have the freedom to choose a more upbeat and optimistic loving approach valuing your worth and independent nature as the wisdom you gain through your karmic experiences gifts insights that free you from the past shaking you out of anything that constricts you from your forward progress.  


Your self-expression unravels as your divine spiritual essence feels natural with your empathetic compassionate heart opening to the sensitivities within you and around you and with this be aware of being fearful and gullible with keeping a strong feel into your intuitive senses as encounters in love test honesty and frankness for independent adventurous relationships.


As your dreams and ambitions are guided by your heart trust in the mystery that is unfolding in the events of challenges of achieving them in practical realistic ways and any restrictive measures that may dampen your drive for success, believe in yourself and your hearts knowing.


As the power of the Moon is waxing creation is amplified in magical ways, I invite you to this Magical Creations Workshop A Journey for Your Soul with me once a month for only 1 hour each month for 12 months, take a look here:   

Remember the wisdom of your Akash as the Pleiadian Star Mothers and Dr Amber Mele’ha Wolf embrace the teachings for the New Consciousness:

Allow the love of Reiki to be your healer, find out more here:


“The idea is where do you choose to be with your consciousness? No matter what is going on outside, the test of the times is for you to be on the inside in a fearless, courageous, creative, and compassionate place. For this is what moves humanity through its fears. And it takes only one of you, as you know, to bring light to a very dark area. A very small amount of light lights up a great amount of darkness.” ~ Excerpt for Star Mothers channelling through Dr Amber Mele’ha Wolf January New Moon Portal to the Star Mothers January 14, 2021.

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