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Pisces Moon


Pisces Moon


As you sit day dreaming let go of the harshness of the outside world for a moment or two flowing into receptive intuitive insights feeling the need to express your gifts and individuality freely for your dreams and gifts may be the change for progressive approaches bringing you the optimism and responsibility to carry on through surrendering and sacrificing distractions and escapism to open to your free expression.  


Explore and honour your sensitive nature staying aware of your boundaries in your relationships as past karmic patterns come around again offering a chance for a better choice through compassionate heartfelt action forgiving and letting go of victimhood and fear as you feel a balancing act to unleash your raw and authentic instinctual divine feminine nature listening to soul’s voice as you regain your inner strength to own your own identity.


Trusting and connecting to your psychic perceptions as you go deep within embrace the fullness of your human experience as a spiritual being opening to the vastness of higher knowing and to the expansiveness of growth and good fortune with your love and connection to Mother Earth and her beautiful abundance as change invites you into the realms of the mystic uncovering the depths of your soul.


Focusing on your dreams valuing your self-love and your commitment and dedication your relationship with natures resources opens your senses to the beauty and desires to value innovative solutions in practical and realistic ways for security to material possessions may need some alterations to transform out of the old and into enlightening discoveries embarking on revolutionary change.


Relationships are in focus with love and passions flowing through the waters of emotions as valued commitments holds an everlasting maturity building strong foundations with respect and perseverance as long term visions require your dedication and in trusting and valuing your true desires and self-worth you deepen your awareness of old programming that has distorted the past.


Heal from the past with the love of Reiki as your own body’s innate intelligence does its magic:

In person Reiki Healing: 

Online Reiki Healing:

Old soul are you ready to discover the powerful teachings of the Pleiadian Star Mothers taking you on a journey into your ancient Akashic memories? Find out more here:

Meld with the original encoded Star Activations given as a sacred gift to humanity by the Pleiadians long ago to evoke your Akashic memory:

‘Kryon, is it really possible to erase things from the memory of your Akash?’ I’ll tell you this: What has happened in the past has happened. It cannot be changed, but your perception of it is what is carried in your Akash. The Akashic record is about energy, no events. If you bury something dark and you dig a hole and put dirt on it, does it still exist? Yes, but it’s six feet under and that’s where it belongs and stays and it’s out of sight. It’s the same with negative energy within the Akash. The energy can be reframed, and put into a space where it will never be “part of you” again. Star Sisters, I invite you, one way or another, to burn the junk.” ~ Excerpt from Kryon live channelling given during a Lemurian Sisterhood Meeting in Minneapolis, Minnesota – July 22, 2017.

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