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Pisces Moon


Pisces Moon


Connect to the calm waters as you soothe your soul in the softness and gentle flow feeling into your heart place trust in the mysteries of spirit as you let go of karmic lessons with compassion and forgiveness knowing you are not a victim of your circumstances for the cycles are completing freeing the fragments of the past that are ready to leave making way for a new cycle to begin.


Slow down now and honour your journey accepting where you are now for this is the time to express your words with others carefully considering if they are from your head or your heart as irritation and miscommunications hold an influential force in relationships as surprises surface unexpectedly shifting situations that have become comfortable influencing any resistance to change unearthing the sediment from the foundations within your relationship with your own self-worth and with financial possessions.    


With a plethora of sensitivity flowing about check in with your emotional boundaries as you connect to your psychic senses feeling into the influence of others energies in your environment check in with your own needs and identity as potential hurts may bring a paranoia to retreat from any hardships and karmic trials find your resilience knowing the lessons influence your commitment to your life’s purpose and spiritual growth.


Express yourself intuitively with a deep sense of compassion and a forgiving heart as blessings of higher truths and psychic understanding expand your wisdom of cause and effect encouraging the desires for your dreams and creative flair to grow with patience and trust moving and flowing with the changes for stable and long lasting plans on the physical plane feeling the opposing forces of perfectionism and judgment clashes of revenge are strong feel into the deeper banished parts of your wild untamed nature to reclaim your divine feminine innate autonomy.


As you reflect intensely on your past open to deeper insights for hidden secrets and betrayals may surface bringing you a remarkable opportunity to transform your relationships on a deeper level for extraordinary breakthroughs for dismantling the old makes way for a move into a loving community focus for humanity.  


Honour your journey with Grandmother Moon as Aries New Moon Solar Eclipse brings an ending to the Moon cycles and opens a new journey for our soul: I invite you into a loving and nurturing sacred space in sisterhood in the Ancient Tradition of the Red Tent:

Online Women’s Red Tent Circle:

In Person Women’s Red Tent Circle: 


As the Moon begins her new journey with the 13 Moons I invite you into a Magical Creations Workshop! A Journey for Your Soul: find out more here: 


Evoke your Akashic memory with the Lemurian Activation Code Cards:


“This is a beautiful time. This is a time of transformation, the caterpillar and the butterfly, whatever metaphor you wish to use. You are ushering in The Age of Light, a time of new beginnings, a time of cracking open the chrysalis. And it is sometimes difficult. And it is sometimes scary, but indeed, you are all the butterflies, all the angels, all the children of the Star Mothers and Grandmothers and Great-Grandmothers. Your lineage is long and strong. And though there is at times, some confusion you do have the teachers to go to and the internal teachers, the memory of you Lemurian Akash. Go there. Feel that. Remember that each one of you – no one is left out here – each one of you is here on purpose. So come into the portal with us. Step in, fall in, pour in, lie in the portal.” ~ Excerpt from Stat Mothers channelling through Dr Amber Mele’ha Wolf, August New Moon Portal to the Star Mothers, August 14th, 2020.

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