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Pisces Moon


Pisces Moon


Feel into your heart and feel the deep compassion of a loving spiritual being having a human experience here on our beautiful Mother Earth, Gaia as you merge into the depths of your soul flow into the oneness of existence in acceptance of your karmic journey as the patterns play on repeat on an unconscious level until the lessons are learnt through the cause and effect of your life, with a trusting sense of your intuitive knowing the choices you are guided to make now as the karmic bonds of the past challenge your responses to let go and forgive or to continue on these cycles.


Through the challenges and changes sensitivities are felt, be sure to be kind and gentle with yourself and others focusing on having healthy boundaries opening to unexpected change in love and finances with an open mind allowing new concepts to flow for relationships that spark an interest stimulating your mind and intellect keep things fun and exciting for a connection with a spice for life being aware of mind games and stretching the truth in fleeting moments the trickster and swift boredom may set in with impulsiveness for something new, keep your focused attention on important goals grounding your ability to calm your nerves as you let go of victimhood making solid plans deepening your wisdom for your endeavour for higher truths.


In the boundlessness of consciousness the watery flow that abounds ensure you don’t lose your own identity in another as you understand your own needs, sense and listen to your feelings with responsible discernment and awareness of your own spiritual powers and purpose as the lessons encourage you to stand up for yourself finding a balance to respect the shadows of your innate feminine nature and not to take on and get stuck in others dramas and emotions as your own ensuring your healthy boundaries are set firmly in place release any fear of being hurt retreating into fright or flight and escaping numbing the feelings with substances and distractions as you connect to your wise council within garnering your values with practical perspectives taking time through the changes to plan your path forward with strong foundations.


Merge with your dual nature as you go within to discover hidden deep unconscious shadows revealing and illuminating the deeper aspects of your soul opening to discover what controls you unconsciously and is out of balance creating your outer world as transformation shifts anything stuck in the underworld in radical ways on the physical plane open to the multiplicity of your being discovering the balance of the light and the dark navigating your willingness to learn and share higher visions with integrity.


Learn to flow with Grandmother Moon balancing your sacred feminine essence and respecting who you truly are in the loving sacred space of the Red Tent:

Online Women’s Red Tent Circle:

In Person Women’s Red Tent Circle:


Soothe your soul with the love of Universal Life Force Energy:


Evoke your Akashic memory with the Lemurian Activation Code Cards infused with the original Star Activations from the Pleiadians long ago:


“You are giving birth to a New Humanity and a new place in your consciousness. This is not the first time that this happened on this planet. It happened in Lemuria. And there you literally gave birth to new humans and new consciousness. Here you are awakening that same DNA and giving birth to the New Consciousness inside the New Human that is already here. This is cause to celebrate! And each time you create a portal to the Star Mothers, you call us. We hear you. We know you really, really mean it. Of course, we are always with you. But when your heart and your mind are directed into the gifts, into the love, into the light that the New Human brings, when you are focused, that is when the gifts that you open are the manifestations of all that can be right with your world.” ~ Excerpt from Star Mothers channelling through Dr Amber Mele’ha Wolf, October New Moon Portal to the Star Mothers October 16th, 2020.

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