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Pisces Moon


Pisces Moon


Feel into your compassionate heart as you flow into the love of your sacred feminine essence gently touching and embracing the waters of life connecting to the presence of the Water Dragon as you breathe in the air that surrounds you balancing the flow of the sacred masculine and the sacred feminine within you surrendering to your inner alchemist merge deep within your inner being opening to the oneness of creation as you honour the journey of awakening to your spiritual gifts through the pains and suffering of the past reunite with your shining brilliance and unique expressions of your soul gifts exploring the need for balancing the beauty of your relationships as you integrate your ability for extending beyond the challenges you are faced be mindful of resentment and indecision owning and honouring your own needs and the needs of your partner in the interplay of fairness and justice, ignite your passions and drive through any uncomfortable changes that shake your awareness from the lies and truths rocking any stubbornness of dishonouring your own self-worth and your connection to the binds of material gluttony.


Explore and honour the gifts of your sensitivity as your psychic perceptions are enhanced crossing the bridge into the realms of your soul’s mystical nature, move into stillness as you reflect on the lessons of the past with resilience, maturity and honouring your healthy boundaries as encounters challenge your benevolent presence in manifesting your dreams and decisions as the opportunities for growth and philosophical discoveries into the wisdom of higher knowing offer a deeper delve into the faith of higher consciousness and opening to your mind and intellect to new ideas as you expand beyond the surface level interacting and engaging in meaningful conversations connecting collaboratively with a curious nature with an awareness of losing interest in commitments as any incompatibility in relationships displays an expressive light of big feelings and focus on dramatic attention seeking be sure to invest in your heart and adore the love that speaks from the heart.


Cultivate the love you hold in your compassionate heart as you snap out of the effects of the ego mind converging into an opening to universal bounds of loving consciousness allow the fog to be wiped away from the sneaky filters of illusions and fantasy dissolving the veils as you emerge from the depths coming face to face with reality breaking free from feeling trapped by indebted material constructs move into the changes for the long term with a stable connection to your worth and honouring the love of Mother Earth open to the regeneration process shedding the deep emotions of hidden unconscious shadows and power struggles as you feel your dreams and passions merge with the freshness of your ideas and mind stimulating attractions with courageous action steps for change forgiving yourself and others release victimhood as you express your compassion with an open heart merge into the depths of your psychic gifts feeling and flowing with your creative expressions balancing the power of opening to unconditional love with non-judgment embracing your unique individuality harmonising your desires and your relationships finding the joy in life and generosity in the determination to appreciate your strengths in the romance of life.   


Flow with the love of Reiki to assist your mind, heart, body and spirit to come into balance: book your appointment here:


Join me in a gentle relaxing Star Centre Meditation awakening your DNA:  


Honour the sacredness of you and your relationships: find out more here:


“The Pleiadians were the teachers in Lemuria, and it was often hard to tell the difference between them and the Humans back then. This was because many of them were what you would call hybrids, whose mothers were from the stars but the fathers were not. That would be similar to Yawee. He had a direct parent who was Pleiadian. This represented some of the first Human souls on the planet to have a mother and a father who were truly from different worlds. This, indeed, was actually part of the Human “seeding” process, where DNA was changed for all future generations. The Pleiadian DNA influence was “gene dominant” in your biology. This was the process in every place the Pleiadians had come on the planet.” ~ Excerpt from Kryon live channelling given during a Lemurian Sisterhood Meeting in Sacramento, California – February 21, 2015.

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