Pisces Moon
From Forgiveness to Greater Understanding.
Open to receive the gifts of the abundant flow of the universe now for the past has been built on rocky and unstable ground. Allow the lessons of karmic patterns given in the reflection of other souls opening to greater understanding, compassion and forgiveness for yourself and for others releasing the continued monotony of ground hog day feeling the love you hold in your heart as your true guiding light illuminating your extra-sensory perceptions and intuition as the tenderness of your sensitivities and generosity flow into the bounds of your relationships. Observe any red flags taking you into the depths of doubt and confusion for making healthy choices transcending victimhood, martyrdom and losing your own identity sculpting into the flow of your divine beauty and bountiful creative expressions. Beat to the drum of your soul listening to the divine’s loving music in you letting go of control and fears as you merge with the purest form of love unconditionally loving and trusting in speaking your truth being true to who you truly are accessing a new level of understanding and perspectives discovering your inner power to explore compromise. Find the middle ground in the needs and unique expressions in your partnerships reconciling and understanding the motives of outward gratification and impulsive desires and urges. Be in a space of non-judgment feeling into your internal compass as challenging encounters test where you may have been trading your freedom for a sense of security and relying on external realities to inform your decisions for your dreams.
Reflect to Grow into Your Truth.
As emotions imbue in the fluctuation of relationships steady yourself in melding into your spirituality, maturating your emotional influence and creating a magical committed ethereal connection to spirit disciplining and structuring dedication and responsibility. Anchor love and peace into your reality trusting in the unseen building a bridge onto the physical planes uplifting you and others through expressions from your heart as shake ups and trials bring opportunities to express yourself authentically and clearly recognising and refining any overemphasis on exaggerations and stories the mind creates. Improve your ability to communicate and consume information with clarity, calming your inner waters sit in stillness reflecting on your beliefs and rediscovering higher truths redefining your approach to understanding your quest to know yourself and what you are looking on your soul’s journey for through the vastness of multiple choices to learn from. Nurture your dreams and ambitions trusting in the wisdom of your soul shining your light as you aim for creating healthy solid foundations noting any tendencies for escapism and hiding away from any issues that need dealing with in your relationships holding empathy and compassion in the sacred waters of your higher heart, lift your spirits with courage creating love and not war accepting change in a new kind of stability honouring your true value and worth aligning with your hearts truth creating with love and fulfilling your soul on a trajectory motivated in redefining your beliefs and life philosophies transforming from your old self and structures of power dogmas into progression for your future and humanities significant cycles of innovation, free thinking and new alliances.
“There are places today within certain kinds of societies that will not let women “in a certain condition” into a certain place – because of this! In time, the attitudes regarding menses became archaic and ignorant compared to the way they were in Lemuria. You see, part of the woman’s mystic was the privilege of menses! Remember: Reproduction was highly respected and given an especially high role in how the culture thought.” ~ Excerpt from Kryon live channelling given during a Lemurian Sisterhood Meeting in Calgary, Canada – May 23, 2015.
Heal from the past with the love of Reiki bringing balance back to you and your life: find out more here: https://wix.to/HrLTbmZ
Activate your Akashic memory with the gift from the Pleiadain Star Mothers long ago encoded in these beautiful Lemurian Activation Code Cards: https://www.amberwolfphd.com/a/2147517920/4JxiveAg
#pisces #fishes #water #jupiter #neptune #sensitive #changeable #mystic #psychic #gentle #compassionate #generous #loving #relationships #boundaries #victim #fright #flight #moon #womensredtentcircles #lemuriansisterhoodglobal #thenewlemuria #starmothers #pleiadian #dragonsofmu #kryon #dharma #karma #love
