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Pisces New Moon


Pisces New Moon

In the fluidity of living in duality in the physical and in the spiritual let life flow as you let the past go and bring healing to the wounds that have taught you to bring change to your being and to free you of past karmic patterns that are no longer needed.

Feel into your intuitive sensitivities and be kind and gentle to yourself as you reflect and go inwards to feel the calmness of your soul. Don’t shy away from who you really are as this brings forth changes that you might not have been aware of.

Recognise your feminine beauty as the time for hiding away has passed, let go of any victimhood you may be feeling, forgive yourself and others as the deepness of your emotional world brings forth that which you have hidden away ready to be transformed and healed.

Face any fears now and honour your needs or you may risk losing your personal identity to please others due to boundaries not being set. Love yourself, connect with the mystic in you and show others in your relationships that you are love and our lives will change in loving ways.

Assert yourself in your relationships in loving ways and allow your receptivity to flow with balance in your life. If your sensitivity is heightened take care of your wellbeing and allow some time in a peaceful bath, cleansing your energies.

Living From the Heart as a ShaWoman with the teachings form the Pleiadian Star Mothers and Dr Amber Mele’ha Wolf:

Heal your soul with me in a beautiful Reiki Energy Healing:

‘You do not need to work to become spiritual. You are spiritual; you need only to remember that fact. Spirit is within you. God is within you.’ ~ Julia Cameron

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