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Sagittarius Moon


Sagittarius Moon

Discovering your truth and gaining higher wisdom that you feel has the love you seek brings in a balanced and fair approach to your life. Feel the deep fire that is burning in your heart to take you to great heights taking a step at a time to create the story of your life’s adventure.

Enjoy your journey of discovering new things, learning new skills and having new adventures as this brings a great personal growth and even if things are challenging along the way, seek great wisdom through those experiences and have trust in your inner compass to guide you.

Passionate and fiery communications may be simmering from within as unresolved past issues could bring a challenge. Be wary of exploding your words out in a harmful manner as destruction mode could set in.

Any frustrations you feel that may destroy rather than come from the heart and create harmonious communications would be much better attempted at firing the words into a pillow or just allowing any frustration that you may be holding within the chance to explode and be released by stamping your feet and clenching your fists and then releasing them as you say the words that need to come out by allowing the energy to be released into the earth and transmuted into love.

Fear of committing to the passions and your truth, your inner compass may lead you on the path of always seeking and not finding what it is you are looking for and aimlessly going in different directions that may excite you and satisfy you in the moment but not the long term. Take some time to slow down and really listen to your heart, your soul knows your truth.

Come and discover how working with the Moon can change your life in our next Full Moon Women’s Circle:

I invite you to allow me to work with you to help release any fears you may be still holding on to:

‘Truth is first felt in the heart before the mind. Those that look for the truth through the mind before the heart will never find the Truth.’ ~ Suzy Kassem

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