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Sagittarius Moon


Sagittarius Moon

Greater meaning to life and to discover what it is that truly makes your heart sing in your life will be your guiding light to new adventures and to feeling the freedom that keeps a passionate and inspired heart going.

There may be new experiences that you wish to discover and may be faced with some challenges as your excitement for adventure and learning new things may not be appreciated by others. In having a strong ethical foundation in your knowledge for the healing arts and higher learning, the investment will pay off when healing and understanding the lower nature that may be restrictive in your growth.

Speaking your truth with love will have a huge expansive effect on your life for your passions as there may be some fiery words flittering about do keep a strong focus of your hearts truth to give your life greater meaning.

Boredom and the mundane life may lead to seeking more on the outside in harmful ways not only to yourself but also to others. To be true to yourself and others communication in loving ways to discuss anything that may be bothering you will be a respectful thing to do to seek out some ways to have the freedoms in your life without harming anyone else.

Learn through higher learning about Lemurian Shamanism with the Pleiadian Star Mothers, Dr Amber Mele’ha Wolf and Kryon right here:

‘Truth will always be ignored if it challenges a cherished illusion.’ ~ Dr Idel Dreimer

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