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Sagittarius Moon


Sagittarius Moon

Looking towards the path that leads you to taking your life to exciting and inspiring times as you listen to your heart and what it is that lights you up. Believe and trust in your navigational compass that is within you and to not get caught up in your head with destructive thoughts and actions that lead you off course.

Slow down there is enough time to navigate your way, no need to rush and miss any opportunities that show up for you. If its joy you are after, it is seeking you too, so bring your childlike nature out and have some fun along the way, make your life a fun and joyous adventure an expand your knowledge in this big world we live in.

On your way allow your voice to speak from your heart as it has a powerful force where you have so much ability to create a beautiful life from these words. Leave behind any lower thoughts and actions that may have been once a learning of lessons in your life to evolve to a higher perspective that brings ethical foundations into your life.

Go on your quest of life and see where it takes you, have a sense of curiosity as you gain greater meaning in your life. Commit to your hearts desires and your inspirations with enthusiasm and take care of wanting more and more in indulging ways being mindful of having a balanced body, heart, mind and soul to keep you in a steady and centred place.

Be responsible for your words and actions now, trust in your heart and create with greater meaning. Look for outlets that can give you a sense of meaning and to allow you to take care of explosive and reckless emotions and actions in safe ways.

Calm and balance your mind, heart, body and soul and allowing the beautiful energy of Reiki to assist you now, connect with me for an appointment:

Look for the magic in higher learning here:

‘There is no greater gift you can give or receive than to honour your calling. It’s why you were born. And how you become most truly alive.’ ~ Oprah Winfrey

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