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Sagittarius Moon


Sagittarius Moon

Over the next couple of days as you feel the wind in your face and your hearts connection inspires you to trust in the higher will of the universe you feel excited to expand your life with experiences that lead you into new territory.

Facing any fiery communication challenges with a balanced perspective as your hopes and dreams may have some disruptions. Slow down and take a breather, allow the busy world around you to be silenced for a while as you know there is great change on the horizon.

Take charge of your life as you heal from any past wounds bringing resolve and solace knowing and understanding the truth of the larger plan that is in place. Some sort of action may be required now as you try to understand and discover more to life and the meaning from higher esoteric learning.

Find the inspiration in your heart and let it lead you to greater and bigger expansiveness of your life as you look deeper than the surface for there is more to learn and then in turn teach others along the way. Life is an adventure and it is always changing and evolving.

Evolve as you connect with beautiful women in our next Women’s Red Tent Circle:

Are you ready to heal from your past with the loving energy of Reiki:

‘The whole point of being alive is to evolve into the complete person you were intended to be.’ ~ Oprah Winfrey

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