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Sagittarius Moon


Sagittarius Moon

Find the joy in your discoveries in pursuing your goals as there is greatness beyond the everyday life as finding that which lights up your inner sparks are your go to now. Feel into your dreams and believe in your passions as you develop trust in your intuitive insights and your passionate soulful sensual nature.

There may be a sense of others feelings around you as they work through their challenges so keep a check on how you and your boundaries are in the process. Bring love to yourself and to others as you ground your spiritual endeavours into reality.

Make life more of an adventure as you let go of fear and commit to the discovery of your truth. Bring

a childlike presence to your life for lightening up will make life more exciting and adventurous. Love who you are and love your truth for change in you and your life may be tricky as those around you may delve into any insecurities and vulnerabilities.

Communicate with calmness and take your time with your thoughts and your words as you speak your truth into the physical aspects of your life and to those around you to create a strong and stable foundation for you as you continue to discover new experiences in your life.

Experience your Lemurian Akashic remembrance with the power of love and a Star Body Activation with the Pleiadian Star Mothers, Mele’ha and Kryon:

Delve even further into the teachings from Lemuria as the Pleiadian Star Mothers taught with Mele’ha and Kryon in the Shamanic Teaching Wheel:

‘All truths are easy to understand once they are discovered; the point is to discover them.’ ~ Galileo Galilei

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