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Sagittarius Moon


Sagittarius Moon

Hold on to your hat as the winds of change blow in lifting away and burning the remnants of the past into thin air. Steady and centre your inner being to the stability of Gaia beneath your feet as you bring love into your heart respecting your truth and your life for all it has taught you.

Allow your inner spark to stay alight and be true to you as others may challenge you in your spiritual direction and your dreams, as you stay firm in your knowing what is right for you and your journey, release any emotional interference or beliefs of others that you may have taken on that is not your truth.

Open up to your love and self-worth and what you value in yourself to lead you to the relationships that you deserve as you re-evaluate the relationships you are co-creating at this time, take some time out for your conscious awareness and inner knowing to guide you in any decisions that may need to be made.

See beyond the horizons for adventure is what you seek as your strong spiritual foundations have been set it is now time to love you unconditionally as a powerful feminine being, trust in your inner sparks of divine light for you have the courage to step up and away from any past pains and illusions.

You are a divine spiritual being having a human experience coming into a wonderful new energy of love, connection, community and truth.

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