Sagittarius Moon
The brilliance of the Full Moon shines into our lives expanding and illuminating our truth of who we are as spiritual beings broadening our higher perspectives as we open to discovering more while breaking free of our old ways.
Feel the fire in your inspirations to lead you and support you knowing and trusting the values you hold within will guide you on your quest as you speak from your heart in the knowing your soul growth needs expansion from a greater understanding.
As you feel the excitement rising allow joy and love into your life and see your journey as growth more than an obstacle as the cycles bring change for higher reasons as sudden changes, challenges or communications and information may show up.
Find your inner compass, that inner spark and let it lead you to inspiring new adventures as you trust in the higher truths to discover your truth as feelings of stagnation and boredom are your signals your soul needs to learn and discover more… So what are you waiting for?
Bring love into your being with the beautiful Universal energy of Reiki:
Discover higher truths of a ShaWoman with the Pleiadian Star Mothers, Dr Amber Mele’ha Wolf and Kryon:
‘Find us above you and also inside your heart speaking to your sweetest Being.’ ~ The Pleiadian Star Mothers
