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Sagittarius Moon


Sagittarius Moon

Through an understanding there is greater meaning to our lives the focus on discovering just what that means to our soul takes us on the path of connecting to what really lights us up and ignites our passions to drive us to make changes in healthy and disciplined ways.

Opening up to our freedoms and our truth as our heart yearns to break free of the constrictions of our past out dated systems and beliefs allow ourselves to let go of anything that doesn’t serve our highest good and feels like we are bound in some way.

Feel into the expansion of finding joy in discovering new things and making life an adventure instead of getting bogged down in the past. Follow the direction our heart is enthused about and feeling inspired as our spiritual beliefs keep us pursuing our goals.

As we become aware of our love for the divine feminine in ourselves our values for our life gain a new perspective through any destructive patterns we may be faced with that challenge who we truly are. Speak with truth from the heart as conversations take us over past unresolved imbalances that have been left unsaid for closure, but do be aware of any fiery challenges that could erupt.

Allow Reiki to assist in releasing old belief patterns and bring balance to your body, mind, heart and soul: book your appointment with me here:

Are you ready to venture deep into the world of the ShaWoman’s wisdom? Discover how here:

Reawaken the original encoded Star Activations gifted to humanity by the Pleiadian Star Mothers long ago:

‘The invitation is yours to awaken. Find the core inside and stand taller because of it, know who you are. It’s beautiful!’ ~ Excerpt from Kryon channelling given during a Lemurian Sisterhood Meeting in Kelowna, Canada – February 27, 2014.

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