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Sagittarius Moon


Sagittarius Moon

With joy radiating and a smile on our face and that loving spark in our hearts hit the road and take our adventures and dreams into the open with faith and courage as our feminine flair shows great pride in who we are and don’t look back as over the horizon life may look so different.

Leave behind all the disbeliefs and inner destroyers that may still be residing deep in our subconscious holding us back from truly loving our true divine feminine power as encounters challenge our resolve. Allow our witty mind and detailed orientation the space to analyse anything that is dishonouring to our sacredness as communications may be hard to face but are necessary.

In the desires for creating and living from our hearts truth, discovering and expanding our understanding and gaining knowledge of higher truths our focus for a more fair and balanced life where we can live in harmony will drive our forward momentum letting go of the pains of the past to trailblaze through any fear of committing to our right for joy and adventure.

As we honour and connect to our innate spiritual core keeping our inner spark alive and developing beyond our limitations of our childhood and up bringing thriving on discovering new things our spiritual path and service may be confronted with obstacles and setbacks and in any event the test will be to keep our eye on the prize and the big picture in our grasp.

Our self-discovery and our personal ambitions lead our hearts in passionate creative ways in the direction that spirit is guiding to share and teach others and in any change that is taking place find the courage to branch out to be our true authentic selves even in the midst of others disapproval.

Allow the higher love of Reiki to balance your entire being: In person Reiki Treatment:

Celebrate the beautiful balance of the Spring Equinox in the Southern Hemisphere in this loving environment of peace and gentleness: Online Spring Equinox Birth of New Self:

Join in this beautiful Equinox ceremony with Dr Amber Mele’ha Wolf, Pleiadian Star Mothers & Kryon:

‘In this energy, you are being asked to generate that which only you experienced as an Old Soul back then, and It’s why you are awakening to this information. There is great wisdom here and the reason this Sisterhood concept has started to develop is that at no time in history has there been this kind of sacredness and purity since.’ ~ Excerpt from Kryon live channelling given during a Lemurian Sisterhood Meeting in Grand Rapids, Michigan – July 19, 2016.

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