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Sagittarius Moon


Sagittarius Moon


Under the parasol of your umbrella you begin to gain glimpses of the truth shining a light on you opening and broadening your wisdom as you hold onto the shaft connecting kundalini energy through your spine illuminating your divine sacredness as a spiritual BEing with the ferrule aiming and aligning to the knowledge of higher knowing gifting you protection and prosperity as you let go of any ignorance releasing bondages and traps of lower urges that only lead to suffering.


In the realms of your dreams and the inner sparks that ignite your enthusiasm for discovering and growing beyond your childhood limitations pursue your journey with impressionable self-expression for your artistic flare as you embrace your empathic nature being mindful of escapism in any way and evading victimhood and sacrificing yourself for others.


Open to finding joy to explore your personal freedoms that lead you to question your own beliefs on a self-discovery to deepen your truth with actions towards establishing strong ethical philosophies as you focus on acquiring a deeper than surface level understanding as structures and old traditional ways transform that no longer have power over you bringing upheaval and disruptions that are necessary and could feel somewhat uncontrollable and in the chaos your inner knowing and compassionate loving heart understands that healing may be painful but leads to inner wisdom to share with a practical awareness of seeking and teaching through a higher spiritual lens.


An adventurous fun loving relationship will feel enticing in the search for expanding your intellectual instincts for philosophical thirst quenching and romantic experiences to serve a higher purpose although there may be a tendency to move about uncommitted when things get a bit stale if your values and ethical nature are not stable. As you feel into the nature of valuing the changes you have made with your self-worth and your financial state of affairs expansion into your focus is inevitable keeping an awareness of what strengthens your drive to let go of any fears and addictions that may hinder chasing what’s inspiring you.


Uncomfortable situations challenge self-discriminating tendencies and resentments you may be feeling towards your darker divine feminine essence in the attempt to pretend all is well within as a need to dominate from a place of fear of unexplored insecurities to overcome shutting down the freedom of a powerful divine feminine force that resides healthily within you accepting and opening your heart to embrace and loving the intimate nature of your soul as you find the bravery to face any fears with your passions and inspirations poised toward broader horizons you take the lead to have courage to teach others through your wisdom.


Instinctively you have a strong knowing of your truth and your inner confidence to take on the determination of your personal growth to discover more of who you are and life’s mysteries that are ready to teach you and encode your mind with greater spiritual understanding placing a loving approach to your discoveries as tests bring possible unpleasant pipe dream diffusers not understanding the need for change. Fortunately there is a strong practical desire for your passions to continue striving forward keeping in mind to stay focused and level headed speaking from your heart and allowing joy to uplift your committed approach.


Embrace the New Moon in Capricorn encouraging your 2024 into new beginnings:

Online Women’s Red Tent Circle:

In Person Women’s Red Tent Circle: 

As the Moon is in her powerful waxing phase after the New Moon I invite you to utilise the energies to infuse your Magical Creations into BEing: find out how here:

Are you here for history’s changing times to discover the Pleiadian Teachings for the New Consciousness? Discover if you are the one: find out more here:


“This is the story, dear ones, of the beginning teaching that occurred on this mountain, given by those from the Stars. This is what happened here, and it continued for thousands of years. The basic truths of love and creation were taught here, the truths that would create Humans whose Akash would then carry this forever in incarnation after incarnation. All would get a chance to awaken someday and continue the study of the wheel.” ~ Excerpt from Kryon live channelling “The Teaching Circle” given in the Big Island, Hawaii – December 20, 2017.


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