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Sagittarius Moon

Sagittarius Moon


Feel the freedom as you walk barefoot on Mother Earth and connect to her magnificence embracing the magic and the mysteries of the all-that-is holding compassion in your heart as you possess a deep sense of your intuition to guide you to your inspirations that spark your eternal flame opening to a broader concept of creating changes for the greater good breaking free from the old flawed approaches.


In establishing a strong ethical philosophy embrace your alignment with your truth and your dreams to navigate through the challenges of swimming upstream as higher perspectives teach the seeker to establish a disciplined love of wisdom and knowledge in discovering the healing arts opening to thoughts of creative intelligence to enrich and illuminate fresh concepts for grounding a disciplined attitude to any escapism.


With your truth blazing strongly in your heart open to balancing your loving compassionate divine feminine mysticism and your bright shining sacred masculine presence with a keen and eager drive for owning your individuality and striving for revolutionising freedom and equality embodying the quest for greater meaning to discover and enjoy the actions you take through your higher intuitive knowing loving and valuing the pleasures of your uniqueness opening to unconventional relationships observing a detached presence as the stubborn cautions and pleasure seeking tendencies of others may not resonate.


Watch for the words you choose to speak and if they are sparked with a destructive force or with a compassionate heart as challenges present past patterns in relationships challenging your choices for in honouring your divine feminine sacred temple and your boundaries your independence and assertiveness directs you to your true north respecting your authentic self through the healing wisdom of your deepest wounds.  


An optimistic flair will bring you a beautiful sociable air of expansion as your friendliness makes any rules in romance and money appeal to seek different outlooks as encounters wobble the sensitiveness of your dreams the realms of consciousness transcends your imagination for miracles to happen if you believe it in your eternal heart.


Love and nurture yourself in a beautiful safe sacred space in the ancient tradition of the Women’s Red Tent Circle this Super New Moon in Pisces:

Online Women’s Red Tent Circle:

In Person Women’s Red Tent Circle: 


Begin your sacred journey with the Pleiadian Star Mothers wisdom channelled through Dr Amber Mele’ha Wolf in the Shamanic Teaching Wheel as a ShaWoman way shower in the New Earth:


“You are giving birth to a New Humanity and a new place in your consciousness. This is not the first time that this happened on this planet. It happened in Lemuria. And there you literally gave birth to new humans and new consciousness. Here you are awakening that some DNA and giving birth to the New Consciousness inside the New Human that is already here. This is a cause to celebrate! And each time you create a portal to the Star Mothers, you call us. We hear you. We know you really, really mean it. Of course, we are always with you. But when your heart and your mind are directed into the gifts, into the love, into the light that the New Human brings, when you are focused, that is when the gifts that you open are the manifestations of all that can be right with your world.” ~ Excerpt from Star Mother channelling through Dr Amber Mele’ha Wolf, October New Moon Portal to the Star Mothers October 16th, 2020.

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