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Sagittarius Moon


Sagittarius Moon


As you delve into the depths of seeking deep knowledge with an exciting need for discovering the greater meaning of life you know your desires are urging your soul to unleash the beautiful empowering force of your innate untamed dark feminine essence, accepting and regaining each disowned aspect of who you truly are and your beautiful gifts you harbour in your souls essence as your inner world transforms through the darkness of your hidden saboteurs flow with the mysteries of the unseen inspired by your dreams and creative visions feeling the opposing forces of steadily letting go of the uncomfortable changes of material possessions and the overload of information appreciating we don’t have all the answers we seek reconciling the love and values you hold within yourself guiding you home where you feel nurtured and safe through the many facets of changeable situations.


Allow the North direction of the compasses arrow to lead you into your divine purpose and destiny trusting in your truth for it is written in the stars as you glimpse into freeing yourself of the past opening to your own self-expressions and individuality with courage realise the inaccurate perceptions of your sense of security as conversations feel sensitive to the soul communicate from a loving place trusting in your intuitive senses, be aware of any anger surfacing through the challenges and lessons of the restrictions you have faced ultimately assisting you in working on grounding your dreams into reality.  


Following your deepest truth reach into your inner fire and ignite the eternal flame to assist you to navigate your path forward trusting in where you feel bound as challenges bring confessions of any discomforts and vengeful feelings, work with the medicine for your growth in the uncomfortable patterns of the past respecting the power of pain and discomfort gifting you your own identity as you reclaim your true essence teaching you with great skills to master your inner alchemist flowing with the waves of challenging encounters identify any unhealthy addictions and intoxicating overindulgences of escapism reconciling your self-esteem and personal values as you feel the push and pull of emotions of over caring for others and their needs and feeling loved and nurtured and finding the joy and expansion in your quest for discovering your truth feel into the relationships that nurture your soul and take responsibility for emotional reactions with safe and healthy boundaries.


Bring love to your needs in the sacredness of the Full Magic Women’s Circle in Capricorn this weekend:


Allow your own body’s innate intelligence to release the unhealthy chi and replace it with healthy chi as you immerse into the love of Reiki:


Experience the contrasting seasons of Summer and Winter Solstice with Dr Amber Mele’ha Wolf and the love of the Star Mothers:


Immerse into the realms of the “Dragons of Mu” and embrace the wisdom and healing for your transformation:


“Feeding the planet? No problem. That’s at hand all with wonderful technology coming from Lightworkers and those who start to awaken. Three of you! We need your light. Fourteen of you, we need your light! That’s the reason we want you to stay. There’s no reason not to. It’s inappropriate and not in your magnificence to feel the way you’re feeling today in this place.

This is a new age. It is part of the shift that was prophesied by so many Ancients, and here it is. This is not a Kryon thing, dear ones. This is a world thing and it is happening right now. Leave here differently. Leave this island differently than you came, then look back on it and remember this homeland, the original homeland, this island, the mountain of Mu.” ~ Excerpt from Kryon live channelling “The Teaching Circle, Continued” given in the Big Island, Hawaii – December 22, 2017.

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