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Sagittarius Moon


Sagittarius Moon


In the vastness that surrounds you feel into the excitement of undertaking an exploration into the deeper mysteries of life, consider discovering the greater meaning as you acquire a thirst for knowledge and learning more, feel into your heart and allow the spark to ignite your passions that give you a purpose for change and personal freedoms letting go of any shadows of perfectionism and fear of criticism of yourself and of others embracing yourself in all that you are and those around you finding balance in the imperfectness for your soul growth favours the love of feeling at home with those that nurture you and your souls creation for life.


Feel the value of an open loving heart expressing your truth and your values as you find the joy in the embrace of affectionate generosity and fun loving satisfaction being mindful of attention seeking and drama focus on the value of togetherness as compassion and forgiveness transmutes the deep emotional sabotaging pains of the past that have been weighing heavily on your shoulders as challenges and opposing forces tempt communications with a fork tongue and opinionated theatrics be sure to listen with sincerity using your words with compassion and truth as shakeups unearth any stubbornness and resistance to the unhealthy relationship with material and financial possessions and exposing long hidden secrets bringing them to light.


In the endeavour of your freedoms and not feeling bound in your circumstances examine your commitments with conversations to reveal healthy boundaries and expectations as you navigate your clear direction with your philosophical foundations aligned with your soul’s truth and urge for higher teachings broadening your horizons and embodying your purpose with joy and your hearts generosity leading you as you express the love you hold and the excitement you desire and thriving on the beauty and expansion of your life for pressures and challenges only come to define your commitment and devotion to your passions and goals strengthening your ability for healthy boundaries lean into your beautiful dreams and visions.


Use the pains of the past as your teacher opening your ability to teach others through the wisdom you have gained as challenges test your compassion and balanced sacred feminine energy and ability for oneness reconciling with the honouring of your inner sanctuary and soul’s growth and your connection to your own identity and passions as sudden change takes place for a more harmonious and loving unwavering quest for the truth as illusions are disintegrated.


Awaken your DNA and bring balance to your Star Centres with the loving assistance of the Pleiadian Star Mothers in the comfort of your own home:


Honour your sacred feminine essence with Grandmother Moon’s flow this Full Moon in Capricorn in a safe and loving sacred space:


Reawaken the original Star Activations sacred gifts to humanity from the Pleiadians long ago and evoke your Akashic memory with the Lemuria Activation Code Cards:


“Dear ones, this idea of the Akash is intuitive to all humanity. The first organized spiritual belief systems on this planet believed in reincarnation because they knew it at a cellular level. It was only later, in modern spiritual days, where you were talked out of it. So it’s a first intuitive kind of thought. The Pleiadian teachers told you, literally, about this Akashic launching system. Again, this was a system where you only had one lifetime within Lemuria, and the subsequent lifetimes were experienced in other parts of the planet.” ~ Excerpt from Kryon live channelling given during a Lemurian Sisterhood Meeting in Calgary, Canada – May 23, 2015.

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