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Sagittarius Moon

Sagittarius Moon


With the impressive mountain standing tall in the face of your path embrace the challenges in communication breakdowns and obsessive judgments penetrating your generous heart, be mindful of domineering tempers and frustrations as you feel into your determination to broaden your horizons opening your arms with joy and optimism,  find your courage within you to face your fears and step forward honouring the deep innate veracity of your sacred feminine soul on the climb to the summit, as you take each step feel your loving strength in your natural authentic truth leading and trusting your individuality freeing your spirit supporting your inspirations and individualism allow the depths of your inner power to transform from the shadows renewing your unique presence letting the illusions of the past dissolve into the abyss of oneness and compassion trusting in your intuition in the embodiment of higher love and wisdom splitting the forces of resistance to change your worthiness and connection with Mother Earth and your material wealth with the opportunity to grow and expand your understanding of the greater meaning in life.


Strive for acquiring a deeper focus on the effects of feeling bound and having your wings clipped in your relationships as bumps on the path and encounters challenge your commitments and feeling free to spread your wings, examine any critical nit-picky perfectionism and judgments as you have patience in making any sudden and impulsive steps dedicating your skills to seeing what’s working and what’s not offering the option for growing and improving with a loving heart honouring your values and healthy boundaries with understanding the need for everyone’s freedoms through the feelings of being at odds with change to discover new and exciting explorations taking up the quest for growth and discovery as desires and thirsts feel strong for passionate connections keep in mind any unpredictable and scattered decisions and impulsiveness as karmic lessons from the past challenge and push the old restrictive patterns into the realms of your intuition trusting your instinct upleveling your focus on the blessings and finding the means of plunging into the heart of the changing scenery on the surface and dipping into the deeper considerations of philosophical discoveries and teachings.


Allow the spirit of your truth loving space embracing your enthusiasm for experiencing the wonders and adventures of a free spirit as you shine your light and open to the expansive gifts of growth illuminating your vibrant joyful cheer taking care of over zealousness and destructive addictions as you affirm your ‘I AM’ presence acknowledging the wounds you have endured from your past pioneering your warrior spirit reflecting and healing through the vulnerability renewing your sense of self-worth and insecurities blessing the moments allowing the wisdom of your experiences the gift you have gained and opportunity to embrace your true self and personal power. With respect and honour for your soul’s quest take responsibility for igniting your inner spark keeping any boredom and addictive behaviours at bay creating your life in the discovery of what lights you up as you turn inward use tactful manoeuvres to let go of temper tantrums, doldrums and fiery outbursts with healthy outlets to let off some steam in any rising shutdown frustrations and emotions challenging the embodiment of your deeper relationship with the divine consciousness and higher octaves of love and compassion reconciling with resisting changes in your own values and material needs.


Embrace the sacred space of the Women’s Circle allowing forgiveness and gratitude to enter your life:

Online Full Moon Magic Women’s Circle:

In Person Full Moon Magic Women’s Circle:


Balance your mind, heart, body and spirit with the love of Reiki: book here:


Journey into the transformation of your life with the “Dragons of Mu” guiding you: find out more here:


“Dear Shining Ones, we step forward into your circle. You know our love lives on the edge of this circle all the time. We are those who, as we say in the Lemurian Teaching Wheel, we are those that influence you from the outside circle. We are, indeed, the mothers of you all. And we ask you in this time to begin to empty yourselves, yet again, of the things that no longer serve you. And as you examine what that is, step outside your now self and see yourself in those days of Lemuria when we were together in the physical, and you did not yet complete your Lemurian Akash. You were a student. You were learning. You looked at what happened in life, what people said and did. You looked at those things from a balanced and impartial perspective, through the eyes of the Divine being that you were learning about in those days. For you were born with that divinity in Lemuria. But you also were trained to see what that means and how to live. And you were, of course, told that you would come once again in many, many lifetimes to be a part of the history of the change on the planet Earth. You were the history once. You will be the history again and perhaps again, should you so choose.” ~ Excerpt from Star Mothers channelling through Dr Amber Mele’ha Wolf, September Full Moon Lemurian Lunation, September 2nd, 2020.

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