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Sagittarius Moon


Sagittarius Moon


Feel the excitement of freedom in your heart as you allow horse spirits wisdom to guide you with steadfast endurance, courage and strength in the determination to honour your truth trusting in your inspirations to lead you with commitment and nobleness breaking free of any fears asserting yourself with the knowing that your true fulfilment comes from within on your path of self-discovery, allow your inner peace to encourage a sense of calm and steadiness as you gain personal empowerment embracing your desires in upholding your authenticity and overcoming co-dependency having faith in your abilities flowing into your artistic endeavours and honouring your spiritual essence reconnect with your deepest self as you discern what may be holding you back from your spiritual evolution, let go of unhealthy addictions with a compassionate heart dissolving all illusions and fantasies as you balance and integrate new ways of liberating your values and integrity for your worth and your skills and talents creating a more aligned way of building your wealth trust your soul’s truth blending with your disowned unconscious hidden traits of the old constructs of karmic impacts inviting the gifts of wholeness into your entire being.


Allow yourself to expand further broadening your horizons as you establish strong ethical philosophical foundations honouring your focus on the inspirations that set your soul alight giving your life greater meaning with passion and excitement, stay curious with a thirst for adventure opening to new possibilities amidst any challenges you are faced with, take a sensible approach in your creative visions and dreams maturing and redefining your inner landscape honouring healthy boundaries for your wellbeing preserving your priorities streamlining your relationship with your commitments and responsibilities with practical spiritual practices in your everyday, inspiring greater wisdom for your growth and abundance with meaningful service to humanity honouring your unique expressions, embrace your individuality as you strive for balance and fairness in your relationships with others beautifully dancing in the gifts of your inner desires own your beautiful innate sacred feminine essence as the goddess you were born to be encouraging equality and exploring satisfactory blends of comprise and balance finding the middle ground between your own needs and the needs of other’s.


Embrace the journey of your transformation as you call forth the Rainbow Dragon’s supportive love holding compassion nurturing your emotional well-being unlocking your inner strength and self-acceptance through the vulnerability of facing childhood wounds of your past as the medicine for your soul’s growth and investing in your own healing, deepening your knowledge and understanding embodying the pains into wisdom to teach others, valuing any awareness of eternally seeking a multitude of unending pursuits of studies, embrace your values as you speak your truth and align with the gifts of joy beautifying and bringing peace and harmony allowing balance and fairness honouring commitment and truth in your relationships possessing calmness and cooperation as you respect a contemplative focus on both sides of any situation that challenges the status quo formed of separation, deepen your awareness of the oneness of all flowing with the connection of profound spiritual awareness and the love of the creative source resolving any protective mechanisms put in place from being harmed dousing the fiery flames of anger and deep emotional feelings as you honour your sensitivity and intuitive knowing asserting your connection to the feelings of liberating your soul’s needs and creating supportive bonds that align with your values and integrity balancing your curiosity to learn with the impacts of higher wisdoms in any challenging encounters embrace  and validate your individualism and true potential for your personal growth.


Embrace the love of Reiki into your life: book an appointment with me here:


 Are “The Dragons of Mu” calling you? Delve a little deeper here: 


Honour the sacredness of relationships with the wisdom from the Pleiadian Star Mothers and Dr Amber Mele’ha Wolf and Shamir Ladhani:


“The life span of all those in Lemuria was far greater than in your society now. In addition, due to the shamanic teaching of the women, they consistently outlived the men. Having constant energy with Spirit creates a very long life. This attribute is still seen today with some of your cultures on Earth.” ~ Excerpt from Kryon live channelling given during a Lemurian Sisterhood Meeting in Toronta, Canada – February 13, 2016.

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