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Sagittarius Moon


Sagittarius Moon

Maybe we are seeking our truth as to why we are here on this earth. Maybe we are seeking the truth for our own lives. Deep down in our soul and our heart we may feel there is more to life than what we have been told. Maybe there is more, much more to our human selves than we truly believe and know.

We may be feeling an inner push to discovering more as life may just be that mundane and boring, for we wish for more in our lives. There may be a push to change our lives now as we look to the horizon and head for more experiences and have some fun and adventure in our lives and to discover more of our truth and the truth of our human selves.

There may be a clue in our hearts and what’s driving us to our passions to discover and learn more. Trust in what ignites your passions and just go for it, take that step and make life an adventure but do be careful to not just throw everything away in the process do take stock of what is important in your life and have conversations with your loved ones to have an understanding of what is important to you to create the freedoms you wish for in any committed relationship.

Fears of commitment could be possible if we feel we still haven’t found what we are looking for as we seek for more in the outside world to find our happiness, maybe the answer is within ourselves and as we search in ways that can assist us to discover our own inner truth we can then find that happiness and passion for our lives.

Take care of being accident prone at this time as we may feel the need to rush into things as our excitement takes over before we actually take time to listen to our inner being as a whole unit, mind, body and soul and work together as one.

Discover our Lemurian beginning here in this free introduction with the Pleiadian Star Mothers, Dr Amber Mele’ha Wolf and Kryon:

Experience a powerful frequency of love and Star Body Activation as you allow the Akash remembrance:

Find the time of Sagittarius Moon in your city here:

‘Three things cannot be long hidden; the sun, the moon, and the truth.’ ~Buddha

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