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Scorpio Moon


Scorpio Moon

Intensity increases for the next couple of days as the power to create or destroy become prominent. Deep and intense emotions coming from the depths of the shadow self may rise to the surface in unexpected ways shifting the perspective of your life.

Allow the truth of who you are to transform into the phoenix rising from the ashes as the magic of trusting in the unseen shifts your reality. Connect easily with spirit now and use your psychic perceptions to feel and trust in your inner truth.

Emotions flow through with powerful forces as awakening to your true feelings in your heart are realised. Sensitivity of your environment and relationships that don’t feel honouring need to be addressed with safe boundaries.

Sexual energy has an intensity of power for creation but be aware of exerting that power in a loving way and not using it for having power over another which comes from feeling powerless in oneself. Wounds of the past may show up and revenge could be an option or there is an option of being responsible for your own healing by receiving an energy healing to release the unconscious wounds that may be still playing out in your life.

Are you re-living your past wounds and wish to begin to free them from you? Connect with me to begin freeing them: Open the doors to the Pleiadian kundalini and sacred sexuality with the Pleiadian Star Mothers, Dr Amber Mele’ha Wolf and Shamir Ladhani:

‘The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you truly are.’ ~ Carl Jung

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