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Scorpio Moon


Scorpio Moon

A deep and transformative time as we move through the intensity as the moon is in her first quarter phase where our deepest challenges and fears may be surfaced to be dealt with now. Psychic abilities are on high as our connection with the spirit world is bringing in the power of the feminine energy.

The power is within all and everyone has the ability to allow a deep connection to spirit if they so choose. Take some time in stillness to merge with the spirit world for when we are disconnected we seek to control the outside with our own lack of inner power.

Illusions and delusions will be pierced as the arrow of the scorpions tail may sting in the moment of any falsehoods that are in your lives setting you free. As you live in your truth you do not fear the falsehoods that have been hidden from you as you are powerful and you can create with your inner power of your true being.

Emotions go deep so feel what is deep within to assist you to be free of the shadows that are there to help in your healing process. Do consider receiving Reiki or some form of energy healing as this will help you through any darkness you may be feeling now.

Allow Reiki to go deep into your subconscious to assist in your healing:

Join in the teachings from the Pleiadian Star Mothers, Mele’ha and Kryon as you learn the ancient ways of the ShaWoman in these changing times:

‘The Women of Lemuria bonded with the magic of the water that brought them life.’ ~ Pleiadian Star Mothers

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