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Scorpio Moon


Scorpio Moon

Taking a deep dive into the deepest darkest places within your being that you have pushed down and have hidden away are being stirred up to the surface to be freed ready or not as the New Moon and the Partial Solar Eclipse intensifies, take a look here for the time in your city:

A truly powerful time of transformational energy bringing an opportunity for opening up hidden gifts and talents that are ready to be seen in this lifetime that may come out of some sort of painful experience surfacing from the past.

The power is in the feelings in your heart, your true feelings that will guide you in the direction to find peace and love, so take care of your heart felt stirrings and trust in them now as communications in relationships take an intense turn to bring in new beginnings.

Your truth is within your heart and your soul and it is now so important to listen to this with great resolve and trust as any outside influences may not see this from their perspective, keep your spirits up and believe in you beautiful soul.

I invite you to join our Women’s Red Tent Circle in a safe sacred space honouring you and your heart, find out more here:

In-person Circle

‘If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.’ ~ Wayne Dyer

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