Scorpio Moon
The waters surround you with seemingly calmness on the surface as you trust in the direction you are going in. The ropes are freed and you have no attachments as you trust in spirits guidance and you let go of any control. Beneath the surface may feel like there is something deep down in the murky bottom getting stirred by the under currents that are working to free anything that has been hidden for way too long.
The land ahead may be new territory but there is the freedom for new ideas to flourish as you strive for change in loving ways for all. A creation that comes from true feelings and your truth of who you are as a spiritual being having a human experience.
Let the past be as now each and every moment is the opportunity for transforming your life to maybe live a completely different way you have been used to. Emotional experiences may rock the boat and instead of emotional outbursts feel into the calmness of your true feelings and be at peace with them.
Are you feeling a need to control or have a lot of drama in your life, would you love a Reiki energy healing to assist you to go deeper to release the under currents, book your appointment here:
Awaken your sacred sexuality for women and men in the Pleiadian teachings for the new consciousness:
‘The vessel that you are that is feminine carries so much. You carry life for the planet and guidance for your children. Unsealing this vessel is what’s going on in the Sisterhood. Slowly the seals are removed and out flows original love, original teaching. ~ Kryon
