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Scorpio Moon


Scorpio Moon

As the light shines even brighter into our lives the shadows of the past become clearer and as we allow them to be felt and seen the releasing takes place. This may not feel pleasant but when we let go we open up to the amazing growth that we hold in our hearts expanding that which we value for our future lives.

Holding on only prolongs the pain of the past so surrender to divine will and allow the power of love the force it has to change your destiny. Align your will with your true feelings and awaken to your intuitive psychic powers to unleash them into this world to transform from the shadows to the beautiful spiritual being you truly are.

Any deep held destructive patterns you have become aware of have given you an awareness to begin to make some changes for your future, though you may feel the need for the love and nurturing you are wanting is challenged so be gentle with yourself now and know all happens for a reason higher than we can fathom sometimes.

Connect to your inner power and use the love to create with your inner desires as you unleash your beautiful true divine feminine essence to shine out and be seen and heard as you are meant to be, it is your birth right beautiful goddess.

Open to your truth in circle with the Magic of the Moon:

In person circle:

Re-member your truth as a Lemurian ShaWoman with the Pleiadian Star Mothers, Dr Amber Mele’ha Wolf and Kryon:

‘The Goddess Grid is a morphic field that interweaves the whole of feminine energy everywhere!’ ~ Pleiadian Star Mothers

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