Scorpio Moon
Feel the breath of living water on your skin freeing yourself of old stagnation as you merge with your infinite soul, feel into your sacred feminine powers reuniting with your compassionate loving heart in the depths of the illusions piercing through the veil stripping away the falsehoods as challenging encounters intensify and go deep into the emotional wounds of the creations of the past coming face to face with the harsh reality of painful truths trust in your instinctual knowing and your psychic perceptions as you watch for big stage indulgent romance and extravagant dramas in relationships penetrating into the murky waters beneath the surface discovering any unconscious power struggles, seduction and manipulation uncovering the fears of being in your own personal power knowing the powers of creation create your now moments.
Flow with the responsibility for going into the shadows of unconscious saboteurs as you work on gaining self-mastery and integrity delving deep into the dreams you hold in your heart trusting in your truth as you set healthy boundaries redirecting your focus on discovering and learning ways of reinforcing your beliefs for the bigger picture as you adapt through any challenges opening to your multiplicity and magical ways use your words of your quick witted nature possessing new ways of stimulating your mind and communication skills in your relationships with others for true expressions from the heart show your loyalty and confidence in creating loving relationships and not revenge and manipulation.
With a deep feeling for your soul to feel at home and supported in your environment feel into your psychic perceptions and intuitive knowing trusting in the power of your gifts awakening your truth as you embrace your soul’s sensitivities surrendering through the opposing forces of sudden change and challenging eruptions of death and rebirth transforming the kundalini power you hold within feel into your compassionate loving heart for the creation of a loving sanctuary to sustain your growth in the New Lemuria as one.
Embrace change with the Magic of the Moon in a beautiful loving supportive environment in sisterhood:
Full Moon Magic Women’s Circle in Capricorn In Person Circle: book here:
Online Full Moon Magic Women’s Circle in Capricorn: book here:
Awaken your kundalini with the “Dragons of Mu” and their wisdom guiding you:
Open to the ancient teachings of Sacred Sexuality with the Pleiadian Star Mothers supporting you:
“Today you are meeting as women, without men. It’s the beginning of a return of something that was beautiful and that you need to rekindle and appreciate, and understand and know. Back then, they knew that women carry the life-force, and that the celebration of life should be for them. So the men sang to you. The songs that they sang to you were beautiful, and there was weeping. More than a “mother’s day,” this was an appreciation for the guidance that you gave them all year long. You told them the laces to fish on the shoals of the island. The fish would move from place to place, but you had the intuition of where they would be. The men realized the power that you had to communicate so fast ad so easily with the Creative Source. They didn’t have it, and they knew that, too.” ~ Excerpt from Kryon live channelling given during a Lemurian Sisterhood Meeting in Phoenix, Arizona – January 16, 2016.
