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Scorpio Moon


Scorpio Moon


As the waves ripples flow onto the shore connect to your inner sanctuary and the wisdom of your soul’s truth opening to the blessings of the powers of your deeper desires and authenticity for on the horizon the changes endure transformation inspiring greater perspectives in the commitment of your ongoing journey of self-discovery and higher learning, honour new opportunities of growth as you navigate the many options on offer with a balanced approach trusting what feels right in your innate knowing with a logical and practical understanding delving into the curiosity of unearthing any answers through insightful questions reuniting with your psychic perceptions and your power of opening to the spiritual world as you embody the beauty of the deeper connection within yourself, surrender to understanding the depths of any unresolved unconscious saboteurs and emotional traumas from childhood wounds as they feel like opposing forces, honour them as your soul’s growth and the silver lining to your awakening holding compassion for yourself and others as the light is shone on the impact of karmic challenges and structured limitations from the past.


As the strong intensity deepens in relationships dive deep into your soul’s inner world flowing into your inner power as you honour your self-worth and the values you hold within for the creation process of your own power source creates your outer reality, set yourself free of the illusions of the outer world’s controlling powers as you cultivate and create the flow of disciplined boundaries for yourself restructuring your priorities and responsibilities inspiring your own spiritual commitment and service as you work on fine-tuning and understanding your inner drive for your self-discovery and independence and trusting your self-confidence fearlessly, let go of any manipulative seductions and power over another and seeking revenge taking responsibility for reflecting on your own lessons for your path moving forward, slow down as you move carefully through the emotional sensitivity merging with your innate instincts as protective measures may feel a tad prickly create the support and growth of community connecting to your soul’s feelings of home.


Balance the push and pulls of limiting and restricting yourself from letting go of any comfortable attachments to your relationship with your worthiness, sense of security and concepts of wealth and abundance as you flow with breaking free from limiting beliefs and expectations of others in the discovery of new innovative possibilities, master your reality re-creating your foundations and generating new traditions from the remembrance of ancient Lemuria embracing the growth of the New Lemuria with your true values and your truth with the purity of your soul honouring the loving connection to Mother Earth and her abundance she offers embracing unconditional love as you connect deeper into your divine spiritual essence as a beautiful spiritual being having a human experience integrating the transformation of the wounds of the past as medicine and gaining wisdom of higher truths through the multitude of knowledge on offer trusting in your beautiful sacred feminine powers as you honour your authenticity and true potential as a leader in creating your life.


Love your soul’s growth and bring balance to your entire being with the love of Reiki: book your appointment here with me: 


Are you an Old Soul here now to embrace your sacred journey as a ShaWoman remembering the teachings from the Pleiadian Star Mothers in Lemuria? Discover more here:


“If I could take you into the future, you would see a number of generations go by, and something that no one expected: A special group of Human Beings who think differently. Civilization will see them as the wise ones. I speak now of what happened on the planets of the Pleiadians, and the ones before them. It’s the way evolution works. Not all evolve at the same time. The “starters” evolve first (the Lemurians, on Earth). Those wise ones will be welcomed and seen as forerunners to the future.” ~ Excerpt from Kryon live channelling “The Task of the New Lemuria” given during the Hawaii Cruise – August 15, 2012.

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