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Scorpio Moon


Scorpio Moon

The power is with us now as we move through the intensity to either create in our lives or be destructive as our deep shadows may surface from the depths of our unconscious.

Our psychic abilities and sensitivities are on high and going between the worlds of our conscious thoughts to going deep within our unconscious are the gifts this sign brings us.

Maybe seeking the truth of our true selves brings some fears but if we keep hiding from our shadows and shutting them away through our fear we may unconsciously try to exert power on the outside to feel in control of our lives.

Am I living in my truth?

What am I creating in my life through my compulsive unconscious behaviours or beliefs?

When we are the detective of our lives and search and ask ourselves questions why am I creating this in my life, we will eventually find the root cause or the saboteur and then this will allow the power it has over us less control.

Energy is everywhere and we create with this energy whether we speak it, believe it, write it or think it, we have control over our lives and we are very powerful spiritual beings in a human body, we have just forgotten our truth and who we actually are.

Piercing the illusions and delusions that have been a falsehood for us for so long can have the power to transform our lives and to bring us back to our truth, but it may be a painful experience in the process.

Our souls are in search for the truth and we are here now to live in the New Consciousness, Women of Lemuria are the ShaWomen here to bring love and compassion to our Earth, discover more here:

Lemurian Sacred Relationships for your life, discover here:

‘Nothing happens until the pain of remaining the same outweighs the pain of change.’ ~ Arthur Burt

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