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Taurus Full Moon


Taurus Full Moon


Embracing Sacred Connections and Inner Strength.

As you lay on the land of the great Mother feel into your magnificent sacred heart as her heart connects with yours, feel her loving feminine nurturance embracing all of your sacred feminine essence as your senses intertwine with the beauty and abundance all around you. Give thanks for the embrace of the Sun on your face lighting up your sacred masculine brilliance from the inside as the fullness of the Moon makes her way into the night’s sky. The emergence of sensual pleasures and creative gifts bound in the love of romance and committed mature relationships alluring the attraction of dedicated efforts made for the beauty of seriously enduring loving stable partnerships amidst the challenges of letting go of the past structures and conditionings created in power struggles and unhealthy possessiveness. Be the lover not the fighter opening your heart with compassion in the heat of fiery trials and tribulations honouring your heart and soul’s burning passions with courage and confidence, manage any headstrong eruptions asking yourself where this originates from. Respect yourself leading by example as you adopt love and not fear committing to your soul’s love honouring your needs with healthy boundaries considering the hard life lessons and what they are teaching you as you surrender and find peace with the unknown resolving any misunderstandings and finding answers in truthful conversations as you explore your own desires and unique expressions engaging in the your innate sacred feminine powers embrace the opportunity for bringing harmony and balance to your relationships.


Discovering Inner Magic and Emotional Depths.

In the Full light of the glorious Moon it’s time for seeing into your hidden magic buried in the deep caverns of your soul as a flash of unforeseen surprises electrify and shake any persistent inertia holding you captivated in comforts of unshakable dramas, desires and hedonistic pleasures transforming your inner and outer world as emotions run deep and intimate connections draw truths to the surface stimulating the depths of vulnerability and passions with deep emotional bonds and connections with resources challenging the intensity and commitment of delicate connections. Embrace your magnetic sacred feminine powers and shine your beautiful light as you acknowledge what’s true in your heart and soul, connect with your innate intuitive awareness of fixating on outer power and control for your true power is within you. Simplify things as you slow down honouring your wisdom, calming your mind and honouring your body, feel into the deep feelings you tend to deny, embrace your vulnerability, love every part of you, your body, your emotions, your deepest desires, your insecurities, embrace them all as you bond with your sacredness and the sacredness of Mother Earth loving the amazing connections and mysteries intertwined with each other recognising the power of love the universe brings into everyone’s lives honouring fated outcomes, lead with your heart owning your individuality with courage, make steady progress grounding supportive growth with persistence and determination honouring your artistic expressions and your beautiful loving empire you are building upon.


“Imagine tonight when you are looking at the Moon or perhaps standing under it somewhere you feel that she is giving you a gift. Now you do not have to know specifically what it is. Your mind will want to ask, of course. We know. But you do not need to know. Trust that you are receiving a gift and that you are worth it, that you have value, dear Shining One. When you receive that value from the Moon, from the Star Mothers, that value goes into your heart and comes back out in waves to all life around you, all of life, your work, the people around you, your home, your family, your pets, your food. Open this portal in the top your head that comes right into your pineal and creates a pathway down to your heart and down through your belly, your hips, your feet into the Earth and imagine and feel – we hope you are feeling outside under the Moon – that generous light pouring on you giving you, giving you, giving you her gifts, because she is there. She spins around this planet because she loves you.” ~ Excerpt from Star Mother channelling through Dr Amber Mele’ha Wolf, December Full Moon Lemurian Lunation, December 30th, 2020.


Honour your heart and soul in the sacredness of the Full Moon in Taurus: find out more here:

In Person Full Moon Magic Women’s Circle:

Online Full Moon Magic Women’s Circle:


Honour your divine mystical powers of the sacred feminine creating sacred relationships with the ancient guidance from the Star Mothers and Dr Amber Mele’h Wolf:


Embrace your healing journey with me: find out more here: 

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