Taurus Moon
Enjoy the love of life for all it gifts us and have an appreciation for the little things like the sun shining, seeing the beauty in the natural world, enjoying a cuppa with your loved one or a friend, cooking up a storm for your family to enjoy, appreciating what you have built or building in your life and just simply enjoying what you have each and every day can bring a smile to your face.
Desires from your heart in having joy and pleasure allows for a sense of feeling the love for all and to bring you that love to the self, for our self-care and self-love is so important for us to feel the joy we wish to have and feel each and every day of our lives.
The challenges in not loving ourselves will be felt strongly if we have neglected our own self-care and have been numbing our emotions as to not feel them or searching for the love outside of ourselves, we may even feel envious towards others if they have the love for themselves and have created a supportive self-care schedule for themselves, we are here to enjoy our lives and to know we are love and love of the self is the answer we have been seeking.
Our earthly life can have its dramas for sure but if we can release the resistance of our stubbornness to make some changes we may just find the value in the changes and keep going with practical steps and processes that will support our self-care.
Enjoy some love and self-care with me, find out more here: https://www.facebook.com/lisaclarke.visionary/services/?ref=page_internal
‘The feminine energy that is here is what we are talking about. It is a gentle, beautiful energy. And this is the energy in Lemuria that was truly revered.’ ~ Kryon
