Taurus Moon
On the pathway leading you to the love and beauty of abundance and the beauty of sustaining your life in the natural world may have some deep hidden aspects arise from the past that has held a strong connection to be felt with deep emotions to be released and be freed from now.
With love in your heart feel the feelings that arise for resistance only keeps it locked away for another day to be dealt with. Take care of your words flying out and about in raging anger through frustrations that you have kept locked up, release them in safe ways as to not do any harm to yourself or to others.
Find the joy in the little things in life and take care of your well-being, love who you are even on the down days, move your body, get out in nature, smell the roses, bring pleasure and joy to you and into your life, slow down but don’t get too lazy, be persistent in loving yourself and make a daily routine for this.
Support anything you are growing with love and value what is in your heart and express it for others to enjoy also, share the love. Be a lover not a fighter and see your life change.
Love and respect yourself this Full Moon in Taurus Total Lunar Eclipse and join our women’s circle: https://fb.me/e/2sg5pI9Q9
Heal from the past with the beautiful loving energy of Reiki: https://www.facebook.com/lisaclarke.visionary/services
‘As I began to love myself, I found that anguish and emotional suffering were only warning signs that I was living against my own truth.’ ~ Charlie Chaplin
