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Taurus Moon

Taurus Moon

Slow down now as you enjoy the natural world, take in the fragrances that are wafting in the air, listen to the birds singing their song, indulge in the beauty of nature through your senses, take care of your body through restorative practices such as Yoga, indulge in a full body massage or exchange your services with another as an alternative to monetary exchange.

Caring and loving ourselves may feel foreign and we may struggle to except ourselves to be our true authentic selves, as we allow our senses to be felt and open to the sensual pleasures life gifts us this brings the beauty of feeling into our body and appreciating each and every part of who we are, it’s time for loving and respecting ourselves no matter what others may be projecting. You may have an awareness of others’ emotions being felt in your energy and if you feel this do allow yourself to become centred back in your own body with love and compassion.

Valuing practical ways and persistence in the steady growth on your life path and desires on your journey you can easily ground them into your reality bringing the spiritual and material into your existence. We may notice and become more aware of anything in our lives and in the world that needs changing and we are encouraged to make these changes for the better, with more love, connection and equality.

Are you feeling you could use assistance in your life? Connect with me here for the love of Reiki to assist you:

The love of life offers the choice to change, are you here to bring change, you may be connected to Lemuria and are here to remember your Lemurian ways. I invite you to join Dr Amber Mele’ha Wolf, the Pleiadian Star Mothers and Kryon in this remembering:

‘Of all earthly creatures, humans alone have the power to choose. One must never lose time in vainly regretting the past nor in complaining about the changes which cause us discomfort, for change is the very essence of life.’ ~ Anatole France

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