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Taurus Moon


Taurus Moon

Allow your senses to be open as you slow down to a pace that suits you down to the ground. Listen to the beauty of life playing around you, it is magical and alluring for your soul. Touch your heart with your sensual nature as you accept every part of you.

With persistence in your expressions and valuing your artistic flair to assist in building the future that will sustain you feel into your dreams and keep them alive through your loving connection to spirit. Keep your passions burning brightly within as you feel your emotions stirring, nurture and care for any unforeseen emotional eruptions trusting that they need your love and attention.

Expand into the vastness of Mother Earth, Gaia and know she provides for us in her abundance of her love and the beauty of her ability to sustain our life for our growth and richness on this planet. Feel into the beauty of the Divine Feminine holding a loving and caring space for us all.

Through any sudden changes and unexpected events steady yourself in your heart as new insights are possible releasing and transforming deep hidden subconscious forces of lower power distortions opening to a new way of being within, changing our structures in our lives and on the world stage.

Open your heart to the love that surrounds every single one of us now and choose love over fear as we create our New Lemuria and bring peace to our beautiful Gaia.

I invite you to join me a loving sacred space as we honour and respect the divine feminine together: In person Dark Moon in Taurus Women’s Red Tent Circle:

Online New Moon Women’s Red Tent Circle:

In sisterhood we grow and learn through love and connection respecting and honouring each and every aspect of our lives and I share with you this beautiful Lemurian Shamanic Teaching Wheel journey for your soul:

‘When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace.’ ~ Jimi Hendrix

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