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Taurus Moon


Taurus Moon

Meld into the oneness of all and feel your connection to the divine feminine energies of Gaia holding you in her love and supporting you through the great changes of growth as we expand our light anchoring to our truth.

Slow down and find the balance in your heart as you join together the divine masculine and the divine feminine energies creating a steady and loving feel into your entire being. Flow gently with love in your heart and trust in the power of the divine feminine to guide you as change is taking place in our physical lives.

Feel into your soul needs and let them lead you to your highest path for any intimidating challenges come to shake up the immovable and deep hidden beliefs bringing sudden incoming higher guidance to open you to your core essence.

In the love and gentleness of the divine feminie feel your strength within to rise above anything that comes your way letting go of any envy or stubbornness of holding onto the past for your self-worth and self-love holds the key for your growth in the new Lemuria.

In sisterhood we connect and build on our self-worth and our self-love and I invite you to our Women’s Red Tent Circle as we align with the energies of the Moon to assist us to come into our hearts:

In person circle:

Allow the loving energy of the Universe into your entire being to bring more love and balance into your life, book your Reiki appointment here:

Are you an old soul here to open to your divine feminine energies as a ShaWoman? Feeling the call you will discover more here to begin remembering:

‘Through thousands and thousands of years, and very gradually with fee choice, things changed and you changed. Lemuria was the launching pad of the Akash.’ ~ Kryon live channelling given to a Lemurian Sisterhood Meeting in Chicagoland, Illinois – July 25, 2015.

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