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Taurus Moon


Taurus Moon

Slow up our pace now and take ourselves into the beauty that is so abundant around us. Lay back as we allow the love to wash over us as we indulge our senses in the most beautiful way that our heart and soul so desires, for even in the small things there is beauty and abundance that we can love and appreciate.

Valuing our body in every way and accepting our divine feminine powers to shine out and be seen in all her glory, be sure to love who we are now and trust our heart and soul with how we feel in our environment to lead us home to our true north.

As the divine masculine energies of forward movement bring us a driving force to keep our values and our love of our work in check assisting us to make a leap into our personal and professional physical lives be precise and efficient in any moves we make.

We may be feeling there are some things that need changing in our lives and have ended on an energetic level and as we allow ourselves to open to our hearts truth and be led by our passions and inspirations and any communications or challenges that take place find it within our heart to be true to who we are now and place trust in the decisions that need to be made.

Keep a check and be aware of allowing any laziness and hedonistic tendencies of seeking pleasures in addictive ways to creep in as a means to avoid feeling any emotions that may be below the surface and a way to find love outside of ourselves, a lack of self-love.

I invite you to allow Reiki into your entire being, into your mind, body, heart and soul and immerse in the softness of love:

Uncover the truth beneath the layers of old programming and rise like a phoenix as the Pleiadian Star Mother’s spirit of kundalini lead you to your spiritual sexuality:

‘Lemuria was incredibly pure, and this lasted a very long time in that place. It’s the reason it was in the middle of the Pacific Ocean and you only had ONE lifetime there.’ ~ snippet of Kryon live channelling given during a Lemurian Sisterhood Meeting in Minneapolis, Minnesota – July 22, 2017.

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