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Taurus Moon


Taurus Moon

In our communications with others take our time to really listen to any details that we may just need to be aware of or we may miss some finer details that may lead to an understanding of our own needs and love for ourselves and that of others.

This is a beautiful time to indulge in the beauty life has to offer, to thank Mother Earth for the abundance she so generously brings us all. Indulge in all of our senses as we connect to the beauty of life. Relax and unwind to restore our love that we hold within us and know that this love never dies it is just our own mind, insecurities and old beliefs that get in the way.

Connect to and listen to our sacred vessel as our body knows what is right through how we are feeling with our senses and our intuitive ability as we respect and honour our temple. As we explore what it is that sustains us ground our spiritual essence into our physical lives and build on developing a practice that we can live in right relationship with everything opening to our wisdom to gain maturity and commitment in our daily lives.

As our abundance and joy are so important for all of us unexpected changes and choices have the potential for great changes in ways that are out of our normal perspectives. With the focus on our dreams and visions for our future lives it will be ideal to connect to our psychic awareness and inner knowing letting go of any stubborn outworn destructive addictive behaviours that we may have denied in seeing in ourselves.

Any challenges that arise and surface now in our deepest feminine primal nature and creative expressions are asking us to not sit back and sabotage our own beautiful divine feminine power and hide to keep ourselves small and refuse praise, it’s our time now for shining our luminous selves in all her magnificent glory.

Are you ready to make changes within to bring more joy and abundance to you and your life? Connect with me here for your Reiki Healing:

Explore our past with the Pleiadian Star Mothers, Dr Amber Mele’ha Wolf, Kryon, Lee Carroll & Monika Muranyi in this FREE Introduction to the Lemurian Shamanic Teaching Wheel:

Are you ready to go on an Akashic remembrance journey with the Pleiadian Star Mothers, Dr Amber Mele’ha Wolf & Kryon in the teachings of the Shamanic Teaching Wheel:

‘The test you’re in, it’s all about compassion. 1987 brought the Harmonic Convergence. 2002, the completion of the magnetic grid and the beginning of the crystalline experience. 2004, the tsunami and the Venus Transit. 2012, another Venus Transit. These are the delivery events of the compassionate feminine energy to this world, to be picked up and used slowly so you can move into the next energy with integrity.’ ~ Excerpt from Kryon live channelling ‘ The History of Humanity’ given in western Mediterranean Sea 8th Annual Kryon Cruise – August/September 2007.

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