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Taurus Moon


Taurus Moon


Open your arms and welcome in the magnificence and beauty of Mother Earth as you invite in the balance of light and dark embracing the seasons turning of the wheel taking your inward journey of gestation within the darkness in the Northern Hemisphere and celebrating the gifts bestowed upon each other shining brightly in the Southern Hemisphere.


In the magic of appreciating your deeper hidden dark feminine side be sure to have your own well-being in check as you set strong boundaries and enjoy the simple luxuries and pleasures you value expanding your self-worth as you engage in your dreams materialising and evolving in your pursuit for abundant joyful growth and pleasures of a loving and compassionate heart but do be cautious of over indulgence.


With a steady and practical approach slow down a little and enjoy exploring the mystic luminosity within you and embrace your natural senses as you spend some time in nature respecting all the wonders and abundance of our beautiful Mother Earth.


Flexibility in any plans you have made may be needed and as conversations take place with those around you take your time to communicate with respect and allow restrictive patterns to subside as anything that has been neglected and left unsaid for too long is here for resolution transforming and regenerating from the old. 


In a crackle of lightning a prodding of awakening out of the comfortable familiarity moves any stubbornness to change as you consider valuing your uniqueness and worth and your ways of living. Opposition arises as deep seated shadows are brought to light with intensity as material possessions and shared investments come under scrutiny pursuing the balance of a loving sacredness for a supportive and dependable foundation for growth.  


Merge with your beautiful compassionate loving heart with your dreams and inspirations nurtured and grounded into the love of Mother Earth for she sustains and nourishes them as they are being created and loved into reality. With an awareness of others misunderstanding your enthusiasm and independence for your ambitions that you feel in the depths of your heart with commitment and discipline in your spiritual maturity and inner knowing to let go of the past as you check in with your boundaries and balance your alignment to the all that is as challenges arise with intensity and powerful transformative growth.


Value yourself with the healing love of Reiki… book your appointment here:

In person Reiki Energy Healing:

Online Reiki Energy Healing: 


Begin your journey of 2024 in the magic of creation for a 12 month fun and enlightening approach to healing and manifesting:


Lemurian Activation Code Cards is a foundation for reawakening the original encoded Star Activations given as a gift to humanity by the Pleiadians so long ago:


“So each moon is a time to go more deeply into that, to shine more light onto that Akashic record crystal and let it tell you what is next. Let it show you, let it give you hope in this part of your body where your heart is, your broken, wounded, closed-down, terribly afraid, and vulnerable heart. Open it. Let us do the healing. Let us bring you, give you the gifts of an open heart, the gifts of trust and surrender. Let us shine this moonlight and do some heart surgery on you so that you shine from a lace of fullness, not need, not lack, not less than, a place of fullness, a place that is inside, that is like the hub of a wheel and the rest of you revolves around it. Do you feel that beautiful spiral as you revolve around the center of your physical body?” ~ Excerpt from Star Mother channelling through Dr Amber Mele’ha Wolf December 28, 2020 December Full Moon Lumerian Lunation.

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